brew install aws-sam-cli
Install esbuild in the root of the project folder
npm install
Environment-specific parameters (dev vs prod) are defined in samconfig.yaml and passed to the SAM template for deployment. Use the "--config-env" prameter to specify dev vs prod during build/deploy
sam build --config-env sandbox && sam deploy --config-env sandbox && date
aws s3 cp ./rsvp_alerts_ts/template.html s3://sandbox-cubes-and-cardboard-backend
aws s3 cp ./rsvp_alerts_ts/template.html s3://dev-cubes-and-cardboard-backend && \
sam build --config-env dev && sam deploy --config-env dev && date
aws s3 cp ./rsvp_alerts_ts/template.html s3://prod-cubes-and-cardboard-backend && \
sam build --config-env prod && sam deploy --config-env prod && date
Initialize the python virtual env (venv) in the root folder of the project:
mkdir .venv
pipenv install
Initialize the venv (if not done so already by VSCode) and run the script
pipenv shell
python ./manage_events/
Initialize and Retrieve Node modules in the JS Lambda folder. For Example:
cd ./rsvp_alerts_ts
npm install
Export environment variables locally. Dev or example:
export S3_BUCKET=cdkstack-bucketdevff8a9acd-pine3ubqpres
export TABLE_NAME=game_events_dev
Build the code in JS (can't run TS directly, it wraps JS) with SAM in the project root and run with node
cd ..
sam build --config-env dev
node .aws-sam/build/RsvpAlertsFunction/app.js
NOTE: replace "sandbox" with appropriate environment
aws lambda invoke
--region us-east-1
--function-name manage_events_sandbox
--cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out
--payload '{ "action": "initBootstrap" }' -
aws s3 cp ./rsvp_alerts_ts/template.html s3://sandbox-cubes-and-cardboard-backend
aws lambda invoke
--region us-east-1
--function-name manage_events_sandbox
--cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out
--payload '{ "action": "updatePrevSubEvents" }' -