Flood events pose significant risks to communities, infrastructure, and the environment. The environmental agency responsible for managing and responding to these flood events needs to develop a comprehensive dashboard to monitor, analyze, and optimize their flood event management operations.
The enviromental agency in UK is tasked to develop this dashboard and contacted me to do the consulation and provide a user resposnive and early wwarning alerts dashboard that can be used to asses floods in diffrent regions.
The key goals of the dashboard are to:
- Assess the overall flood risk across different regions and areas, identify high-risk locations, and understand tidal influences.
- Closely monitor the severity of flood events, track changes in severity over time, and identify areas with consistently high or increasing severity levels.
- Analyze the geographical distribution of flood events, and understand how flood patterns vary across different regions.
- Analyze the flood severity and severity levels
- Check most types of floods istidal True or false
- Develop a dashboard of this.
The project has a Batch Pipeline that runs @daily 2000hrs.
Flood Monitoring dataset : https://environment.data.gov.uk/flood-monitoring/doc/reference
The dataset api used: http://environment.data.gov.uk/flood-monitoring/id/floods
To clone this repository use this command.
git clone https://github.com/DE-ZoomCamp/Flood-Monitoring.git
Cloud: GCP
Infrastructure as code (IaC): Terraform
Workflow orchestration: Mage AI
Data Warehouse: BigQuery
Transformation: DBT CLOUD
Visualization: Metabase Local
Created the data extration script(Data loader) from the flood monitoring api in Mage.
Code found here:Link
Loaded/Exported the data to google cloud storage(GCS) after creating a mapping between dataloader and data exporter.
Code found here:Link
I used SQL scripts to load data to bigquery. Script here: Link
Partitioned data based on the dataRaised of the flood alerts clustering by areaName. script here:Link
After configuration and connection to Bigquery.
dbt_project.yml configured the name of the project
script here:Link
Created a staging area , created schema.yml and defined the dataset in BigQuery, schema and also the tables associated with it.
Script here: Link
Generate the sql:
Scripts here: Link
Runs in dbt cloud:
dbt deps
dbt build
I used metabase using docker by running this command.
sudo docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name metabase metabase/metabase
Launched the metabase via localhost:3000
configured database as Biqquery with the keys-json and used both.
Selected the transformed(dbt) data partitioned in Biqguery to visualize it.
Created Questions and added them to Dashboard.
Schedued autorefresh to every 10 minutes.
Please use this link to access the dasboard publicly:
Link to the dashboaard: http:public/dashboard/7b0551b1-230a-4a68-9c67-30083e1cc5ea
or Link
Dasboard Overview