- Download scraped images from instagram profile
- Save url of an image to database instead of path of downloaded file
- Display Instagram account and scraped data in web application
- Improve commands to make them easier
python main.py fb-search <"Search Query"> <results> <option_1> <option_2> ...
--post # Search for posts based on given query
--results # Number of results
--people # Search for people based on given query
--group # Search for group based on given query
--place # Search for place based on given query
--event # Search for event based on given query
--page # Search for page based on given query
python main.py fb-account <facebook_id> <option_1> <option_2> ...
--work # Scrape work and education information from the given facebook account
--contact # Scrape contact data from the given facebook account
--location # Scrape location data from the given facebook account
--family # Scrape family members data from the given facebook account
--name # Scrape full name from the given facebook account
--friends # Scrape friends list from the given facebook account 🛑 Page not support
--images # Scrape images from the given facebook account
--recent # Scrape recent places from the given facebook account 🛑 Page not support
--reels # Scrape urls for reels from the given facebook account
--reviews # Scrape reviews from the given facebook account
--videos # Scrape urls for videos from the given facebook account
--da # Download all videos from the given facebook account
--dn # Download only new videos from the given facebook account
--posts # Scrape all posts from the given facebook account
--details # Scrape details of posts from the given facebook account
--likes # Scrape likes from the given facebook account
--groups # Scrape groups from the given facebook account
--events # Scrape events from the given facebook account
python main.py insta-account <id> <option_1> <option_2> ...