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OpenELIS Global2 Docker Compose Setup

Docker Compose setup for OpenELIS-Global2

You can find more information on how to set up OpenELIS at our docs page

Build Status

Publish Docker Image Status

Build Off Line Docker Images


Running OpenELIS Global 3x with docker-compose

docker-compose up -d

The Instance can be accessed at

Instance URL credentials (user: password)
Legacy UI https://localhost/api/OpenELIS-Global/   admin: adminADMIN!
New React UI https://localhost/ admin: adminADMIN!

Running OpenELIS Global 2x with docker-compose

docker-compose -f docker-compose-2x.yml up -d 

The Instance can be accessed at

Instance URL credentials (user: password)
OpenElis https://localhost:8443/OpenELIS-Global/   admin: adminADMIN!


For offline Installtion,where theres no Intenet acess,

  1. Download the OpenELIS-Global Docker Installer zip file from the Release Artifacts

  2. Unzip the OpenELIS-Global Docker Installer zip file

    tar xzf OpenELIS-Global_<verion>_docker_installer.tar.gz
  3. Move to directory of the Unziped OpenELIS-Global Docker Installer file

    cd OpenELIS-Global_<verion>_docker_installer
  4. For installing OpenELIS-Global2 the first time ,Load the images and start the containers by running

  5. For Upgrading OpenELIS-Global2 with an existing docker installer ,only Load the images in the new docker installer and re-satrt Global Global containers in your existing old Docker installer
