Api for managing device definitions on the DIMO platform.
For an overview of the project, see the DIMO technical documentation site.
cp settings.sample.yaml settings.yaml
docker compose up -d
go run ./cmd/device-definitions-api migrate
go run ./cmd/device-definitions-api
Two key dependencies are postgres and redis. Problem with using docker compose is if later you need to run a different service you'll have conflicts, and most of our services as a base tend to have postgres and redis as a requirement.
So solution is just to use standalone services with brew services. https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Homebrew
$ brew install postgresql
$ brew services run postgresql
psql postgres
create user dimo with password 'dimo';
create database device_definitions_api with owner dimo;
go run ./cmd/device-definitions-api migrate
- Install the protocol compiler plugins for Go using the following commands
brew install protobuf
go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go
go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc@latest
- Run protoc in the root directory
protoc --go_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative \
--go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative \
brew install golangci-lint
golangci-lint run
This should use the settings from .golangci.yml
, which you can override.
If brew version does not work, download from https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/releases (darwin arm64 if M1), then copy to /usr/local/bin and sudo xattr -c golangci-lint
This is using sqlboiler. The ORM models are code generated. If the db changes, you must update the models.
Make sure you have sqlboiler installed:
go install github.com/volatiletech/sqlboiler/v4@latest
go install github.com/volatiletech/sqlboiler/v4/drivers/sqlboiler-psql@latest
To generate the models:
sqlboiler psql --no-tests --wipe
Make sure you're running the docker image (ie. docker compose up)
If you get a command not found error with sqlboiler, make sure your go install is correct. Instructions here
To install goose in GO:
$ go get github.com/pressly/goose/v3/cmd/[email protected]
export GOOSE_DRIVER=postgres
To install goose CLI:
$ go install github.com/pressly/goose/v3/cmd/goose
export GOOSE_DRIVER=postgres
Have goose installed, then:
goose -dir internal/infrastructure/db/migrations create slugs_not_null sql
Run migration:
go run ./cmd/device-definitions-api migrate
Importing data: Device definition exports are here You can use sqlboiler to import or this command:
psql "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=device_definitions_api user=dimo password=dimo" -c "\COPY device_definitions_api.integrations (id, type, style, vendor, created_at, updated_at, refresh_limit_secs, metadata) FROM '/Users/aenglish/Downloads/drive-download-20221020T172636Z-001/integrations.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER"
Swagger docs at: http://localhost:3000/docs/
To generate docs
go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest
swag init -g cmd/device-definitions-api/main.go --parseDependency --parseInternal --generatedTime true
# optionally add `--parseDepth 2` if have issues
To check what cli version you have installed: swag --version
If you update all libraries, it will also update a decimal library that breaks sqlboiler.
You want this version: github.com/ericlagergren/decimal v0.0.0-20181231230500-73749d4874d5
- replace it in go.mod file
To regenerate the Go bindings, you would run from dimo-identity repository
abigen --abi abis/DimoRegistry.json --out registry.go --pkg contracts --type Registry
This file should usually be updated as part of work that changes the contract. Final step is to just copy the file from dimo-identity
repo to this repo under internal/contracts/registry.go
overwriting the existing file.