online doc of femtic, generated by doxygen.
there is an auto tool to generate doxygen-format comments.
vscode plugin:
doxygen documentation generator
by modifying the .json file, you can have your own customized content.
// The template for the file parameter in Doxygen.
"doxdocgen.file.fileTemplate": "@file {name}",
// Version number for the file.
"doxdocgen.file.versionTag": "@version 0.1",
// Set the e-mail address of the author. Replaces {email}.
"doxdocgen.generic.authorEmail": "[email protected]",
// Set the name of the author. Replaces {author}.
"doxdocgen.generic.authorName": "your name",
// Set the style of the author tag and your name. Can template {author} and {email}.
"doxdocgen.generic.authorTag": "@author {author} ({email})",
// If this is enabled a bool return value will be split into true and false return param.
"doxdocgen.generic.boolReturnsTrueFalse": true,
// The template of the brief Doxygen line that is generated. If empty it won't get generated at all.
"doxdocgen.generic.briefTemplate": "@brief {text}",
// The format to use for the date.
"doxdocgen.generic.dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD",
// The template for the date parameter in Doxygen.
"doxdocgen.generic.dateTemplate": "@date {date}",