This is a 4-track audio looper created with Max for Live, for use in Ableton Live.
- Four independent audio tracks with one minute of available recording time
- Per-track resonant High- and Low-Pass filtering in serial configuration
- Audio playback rate control, allowing samples to be sped up or slowed down
- Per-track audio reversal, allowing sample playback to be reversed
- Per-track sample clearing
After adding the plugin file to a folder of your choice, click and drag the item from your Ableton browser to an empty audio track. Due to the nature of audio recording within Ableton, the user must route the audio from the track hosting the looper to a different, empty audio track for the looper's output to be succesfully recorded. One can do this by creating a new audio track, and designating this new track's audio source as the track containing the looper. If this is not done, the looper's track will only record the unaffected input audio, not the audio output of the looper itself.
- Recording is accomplished by clicking the 'R' button to begin recording, and clicking it again to finish recording.
- Playback of the newly recorded loop is initiated by clicking the 'P' button
- The sample from each track can be cleared using the 'C' button
- The rate of sample playback is controlled via the 'Rate' knob
- Playback can be reversed or set back to normal using the 'reverse' button