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Tom edited this page Mar 4, 2016 · 2 revisions

Super Users can set the converters that allow users to apply special conversions to the data retrieved by a Data Source. Conversions are applied before retrieved data reaches the Reports module Visualizer. Converters are set in the Data Source Settings - Converters section of the Report Settings page. The appropriate converter will be applied to each column specified in the list.

  1. Go to a Reports module.
  2. Select Manage > Settings from the module actions menu.
  3. Go to the Data Source Settings section of the Report Settings tab and Maximize the Converters section.
  4. In the HTML Decode text box, enter a comma-separated list of columns to be HTML Decoded. Note: This field decodes HTML Encoded Data, converting text such as <b>"Hello"</b> into "Hello". This is useful for decoding data which was HTML Encoded when it was entered into the database so that the tags will be interpreted by the Web browser when the report is displayed.
  5. In the HTML Encode text box, enter a comma-separated list of columns to be HTML Encoded. Note: HTML Encodes Data, converting text such as "Hello" into <b>"Hello"</b>. This is useful for displaying raw HTML tags specified in the data.
  6. Click the Update button.