I'm DRKV. If you're here, you've probably heard of me from some niche video game related community.
- I've worked on a few, relatively popular Terraria mods.
- Lately I've been trying to kick-start the Otherland MMO revese engineering effort.
I have a bachelor's degree in computer engineering, I'm currently working on my master's degree. I am familiar with variety of different technologies, including:
- C#, .NET, CIL and XAML based UI technologies
- Backend development using ASP.NET Core
- Java and Java bytecode
- Low level OpenGL graphics in C/C++
- SWIG, for interfacing C++ code with .NET
- Unity
- Unreal Engine 3/4/5
- Docker
- Obscure languages, such as: UnrealScript, Perl, Prolog
- I also have a little bit of experience with web frontend development.