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The back-end API for the Dynamic Org Chart project based on a Python Flask Rest API Boilerplate

Start up instructions

  1. In a terminal, clone the dynamic-org-chart-api repository to another folder on your computer.
git clone
  1. Initialize the application (this creates a local configuration and sets up the virtual environment).
./ -i
  1. Activate the virtual environment and start up the API
conda activate ./api_env
python run

Application initialization

To initialize the application, run:

./ -i

This will create your local.cfg and creates the conda environment.

Generate application secrets

To generate values for the App and JWT secret keys in your local.cfg:

./ -s

Conda environment

To initialize the conda environment, run the following in the root project directory:

conda env create -f environment.yml --prefix ./api_env

This runs as part of the application initialization, so you should not need to run this manually.

However, note the --prefix ./api_env. This creates the environment in the project directory in a folder called api_env.

This will result in a long prefix in your command prompt. To address this, if you haven't already, run the following:

conda config --set env_prompt '({name})'

To activate the environment:

conda activate ./api_env


conda deactivate

If you add any new packages via conda or pip, make sure to update the environment.yml:

./ -e

To ensure you have all the dependencies defined in the environment.yml, run:

./ -u

To run the test suite defined in the app/test/ folder, run:

./ -t

Running the Application

The application and available commands are run via the file located in the root of the project.

To see what commands are available:


To run the application:

python run

To run the test suite

python test

Application Configuration

Application configuration is managed via .cfg files located in the app.main.config package.

Defaults are stored in the defaults.cfg file, while local overrides can be done via a local.cfg file. Don't include one at all if you simply want to use the defaults.

Configuration files are broken up into sections, each of which contains keys with values. Here's an example:

host =
port = 27017
name = db_name
user = db_user
passw = db_pass

In this example, [database] is the section, while the lines below are keys and their values available as part of the database section. It's important to note that all values are automatically considered to be a string. So when processing them to be used, make sure to convert them to the proper type as necessary.

See python documentation on ConfigParser for more details. Note: .ini files can be used in place of .cfg files. They are interchangeable.

If additional configuration needs to be added, either update existing config classes in the config package's, or add a new class.


Development of an application based off of the flask_rest_boilerplate should fall into one of the following categories:

- CLI Commands
- Controllers (API Routes)
- Database models
- Services
- Utilities

When adding new code, it is advisable to build within one of these sections, though it isn't required and this can be extended as desired.

CLI Commands

CLI commands are any tasks/functions that are intended to be run via the command line. For example, a command line tool for creating new clients.

They are managed via the app.main.commands package.

For more information on how commands are created and managed, check out the flask-script documentation on creating and running commands.

Registering new commands is done in the app.main packages within the create_manager function.

Controllers (API Routes)

Controllers are what manage the REST API routes, or what can sometimes be referred to as resources.

Every resource conforms to the CRUD methodology (Create, Read, Update, Delete) and therefore support the following functions:

- get (read)
- post (create)
- put (update)
- delete (delete)

To facilitate the development of proper REST conventions, we are using flask-restx which is a wrapper around flask-restful.

The purpose of flask-restx is to provide additional decorators that are used to automatically generate Swagger documentation which will be available via the root URL of the application (locally, this will be

Each app.main.controller package contains multiple resources that will make up an API namespace.

API namespaces are defined via DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) within the app.main.utils.dto package, accessible via the controller and registered in the app package in the file.

Models that define the different data maintained by an individual namespace are also defined via the DTOs.


By default, this boilerplate supports a connection to a single database, although developers can add multiple database connections if they choose to do so. SQLAlchemy supports multiple database connections with its binds feature, while mongoengine supports multiple connections through aliasing (example here).

This boilerplate offers support for both SQL and NoSQL databases (currently mongodb is the only supported NoSQL database). The developer can toggle between sql and nosql by changing the type key under the [database] section to either sql or mongo.

Database Models (SQL)

This boilerplate supports the multiple flavours of SQL databases that are supported by SQLAlchemy such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite. SQLAlchemy provides an object-relational mapper (ORM) that allows developers to map database entities to python classes.

Among other advantages, the ORM allows the developer to decouple the object model and database schema, which means the developer can be agnostic to the SQL database implementation that will be used in various stages of development. For example, the developer's workflow will not be affected if a SQLite datbase is used during development and a PostgreSQL database is used in production.

This boilerplate makes use of flask-sqlalchemy, which is a Flask extension that adds support for SQLAlchemy.

The following values in main/config/defaults.cfg need to be specified:

type = sql

dialect = sqlite

host =

port = 27017

name = flask_api

user =

pass =

TODO: add a manual override field where the user can include their own connection URL if their connection URL does not match one generated by assemble_sqlalchemy_url.

The function assemble_sqlalchemy_url uses these values to create a connection url that is assigned to the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI property in the main Flask configuration.

To add a model, import the db object from the db module in the root of the /main folder, then create the model class extending db.Model. For reference, a simple example of an Employee object model is included in the /models folder of this boilerplate.

Database Models (NoSQL)

This boilerplate supports the use of MongoDB via mongoengine. mongoengine is a Document-Object Mapper (like an Object-Relational Mapper for a SQL databases) for working with MongoDB in Python.

New document models are added in the app.main.models package.

The benefit of using a Document-Object Mapper is it provides an abstraction layer over top of your NoSQL database of choice with built in save/delete functionality as well as persistent object store with query and filtering capabilities.

For example, if you have an instance of the Client document model, you automatically have access to all documents stored in the client container. They can be retrieved by calling:

from app.main.models.client import Client
all_clients = Client.objects().all()

Alternatively, you can access a single client by client_id:

from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from app.main.models.client import Client
client_id = ObjectId("5e6fc3128611120971f673f2")
client = Client.objects(id=client_id).first()

Refer to the mongoengine documentation for any additional details.


Services are static methods, or a collection of static methods via a class, that are intended to implement application functionality. They are to live within the package.

More often they are used to access and process data to and from the database, such as the client_service, but sometimes can also be used for generic functionality, such as retrieving the currently authenticated client.


The app.main.utilities packages is intended to be used for any utility functionality such as Date utility functions (if it weren't already baked into python).

Initially, it includes the definition of data transfer objects (DTOs) that define the namespaces and models that make up the Rest API.


API authentication is imperative to help ensure the security of client/user data in any application.

To this end, we are using the flask_jwt_extended package to automatically manage endpoint authentication.

To authenticate, a user will need to retrieve an access_token via an /authorize endpoint. This endpoint, or any like it, will request user/client credentials and return an access_token on successful authentication.

The user will then provide the access_token via the Authorization header, prefixed the by the key term Bearer, when making any API requests that require authentication.

Endpoints are deemed to require authentication by adding the @jwt_required decorator to individual resource methods.

Because JWT Tokens are being used for authentication, you can store any data you want to be accessibly via authenticated routes by specifying it via the identity argument when creating an access token during authentication.


Tests are designed to be run from the root of this directory. Run ./ -t or ./ --test to run the test suite.

Tests are written using Python's unittest framework and initially divided into unit, integration, and system tests. The intention of each folder is as follows:

  • unit tests are designed to test individual components that do not have any external dependencies (e.g. testing a pure function).
  • integration tests are designed to test the integration between two (or few) components. For example, if one function returns a value that is used by another function, an integration test might ensure that the second function correctly recieves and handles the data from the first function.
  • system tests represent the highest level of test complexity, where higher level components of a system are tested. For example, using Flask's app_context and test_client to handle a fake request to a specific API endpoint would constitute a system test (for more information on the utilities Flask provides for creating testing context, see Flask's testing documentation).

While the tests/ folder is initialized with the above structure, this framework is not opinionated on how tests are organized. unittest will discover tests in the /tests folder regardless of how they're structured (but see caveats below).

Caveat #1: in order for unittest to recursively discover nested folders, they must be importable. Therefore, every nested folder that contains unittest tests should also include an file.

Caveat #2: as outlined in the docs the way that unittest's discover works is through pattern matching on file names (by default it searches for test*.py). For consistency, we recommend following this convention and prefixing all unittest files with test_*.py.

Additionally, a BaseTest class is provided in the root of the tests/ Integration and system tests that require a database and/or application context to be setup (e.g. to make a fake request for testing purposes) extend BaseTest instead of TestCase.

By default, BaseTest resets the application context and database contents after each test is run. This means that each test case is like a blank slate, so that CRUD operations of previous tests do not impact the current test. Additionally, during testing, a SQLite database called tests.db is created in the /main folder. The purpose of this second database is to ensure that anything that happens in a testing context does not affect the state of whatever database is currently being used by the Flask application.

To change any of the defaults described above, you can modify the appropriate method in BaseTest.

Postman Tests

In addition to unittest, this boilerplate is set up with a simple postman collection. Postman is an open source application used primarily for API testing. Using postman, it is possible to write live tests for your API as you develop.

Although this boilerplate is not opinionated on the use of postman, it provides a basic environment and test suite in the /postman folder for convenience.

Importing Postman Folder

Open the Postman application, click the "Import" button in the top right corner, and select "Import Folder".

Select the postman/ folder in this repo, and the test suite and environment will be imported automatically.

Don't forget to export your test collection/environment if you make changes. Postman exports collections and environments in json format, so it is easy to include them in version control if you work on a project that involves API testing with multiple collaborators.


Unless otherwise noted, program source code of this project is covered under Crown Copyright, Government of Canada, and is distributed under the MIT License.

The Canada wordmark and related graphics associated with this distribution are protected under trademark law and copyright law. No permission is granted to use them outside the parameters of the Government of Canada's corporate identity program. For more information, see Federal identity requirements.


This project would not be possible without the availability and use of open source software. Acknowledgement and attribution to the open source tools used, along with their corresponding open licenses (where one was found), can be found in the file in this repository. Users are advised to consult original sources for official information, especially if they plan on re-distributing all or parts of these code artifacts.

How to Contribute

Instructions for how to contribute can be found in the file.


The back-end API for the Dynamic Org Chart project



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