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Patchouli Recipe Pages
Spectrum's guidebook "Colorful World" is powered by Patchouli, an extensible guidebook API. Spectrum adds new page types everywhere necessary. All available new recipe page types provided by Spectrum are listed on this page, available to be used by modpacks and all addons for Spectrum that want to add content to Spectrum's guidebook, or provide their own.
Renders a single Anvil Crushing recipe on the page. Also has room for accompanying description text.
"type": "spectrum:anvil_crushing",
"advancement": "spectrum:hidden/collect_blazing_crystal",
"recipe": "spectrum:anvil_crushing/fiery_powder_from_blazing_crystal",
"text": "Crushing $(thing)Blazing Crystal$() with an Anvil yields this burning hot powder."
Renders a single Pigment Pedestal recipe on the page. Also has room for accompanying description text.
"type": "spectrum:pedestal_crafting",
"title": "Pedestal Recipe",
"recipe": "spectrum:pedestal/tier2/ender_hopper",
"text": "Description Text"
Renders a single Fusion Shrine recipe on the page. Also has room for accompanying description text.
"type": "spectrum:fusion_shrine_crafting",
"title": "Fusion Recipe",
"recipe": "spectrum:fusion_shrine/onyx_shard",
"text": "Description Text"
Renders a single Enchanter Crafting recipe on the page. Also has room for accompanying description text.
"type": "spectrum:enchanter_crafting",
"title": "Enchanter Recipe",
"recipe": "spectrum:enchanter/vanilla/protection",
"text": "Description Text"
Renders a single Enchantment Upgrade recipe on the page. Also has room for accompanying description text.
"type": "spectrum:enchanter_upgrading",
"title": "Enchantment Upgrading",
"recipe": "spectrum:enchantment_upgrade/vanilla/protection",
"text": "Description Text"
Renders a single Potion Workshop recipe on the page. Depending on the type used, searches for brewing or crafting recipes. Also has room for accompanying description text.
"type": "spectrum:potion_workshop_brewing",
"title": "Absorption",
"recipe": "spectrum:potion_workshop_brewing/absorption",
"text": ""
"type": "spectrum:potion_workshop_crafting",
"title": "Lava",
"recipe": "spectrum:potion_workshop_crafting/lava_bucket",
"text": "The $(l:magical_blocks/lava_sponge)Lava Sponge$(/l) will not get used up, allowing you to create large amounts of Lava quickly."
Renders a single Spirit Instilling tecipe on the page. Also has room for accompanying description text.
"type": "spectrum:spirit_instiller_crafting",
"title": "Activation Range",
"recipe": "spectrum:spirit_instiller/spawner/spawner_required_player_range_change",
"text": "Increases the range you can stand for the spawner to still spawn creatures."
Renders a single Midnight Dipping recipe on the page. Also has room for accompanying description text.
"type": "spectrum:midnight_solution_converting",
"title": "Item Conversion",
"recipe": "spectrum:midnight_solution_converting/blackstone",
"text": "Throwing some items into the liquid seems to corrupt them up to a point they turn into something else entirely."
Renders one or two Titration Barrel recipes on the page. Also has room for accompanying description text.
"type": "spectrum:titration_barrel_fermenting",
"title": "Recipes for you",
"recipe": "spectrum:titration_barrel/infused_beverages/golden_apple_cider",
"recipe2": "spectrum:titration_barrel/infused_beverages/enchanted_apple_cider",
"text": "A handy description"
For Players
- Getting Started
- Mixing Colors
- Stuck on how to progress?
- Main Progression Steps (MAJOR SPOILERS)
For Server Admins / Modpack Creators
- Integrating into Modpacks
- Adjusting Progression
- Advancement Criteria
- 1.7.x: Patchouli Pages
- 1.7.x: Patchouli Recipe Pages
- 1.8.x: Modonomicon Pages
- 1.8.x: Modonomicon Recipe Pages
- Commands
- Type Specific Predicates
- JsonNBT
For Map Makers
Recipe Types
- Custom Pigment Pedestal Recipes
- Custom Anvil Crushing Recipes
- Custom Fusion Shrine Recipes
- Custom Enchanter Recipes
- Custom Enchantment Upgrade Recipes
- Custom Potion Workshop Brewing Recipes
- Custom Potion Workshop Crafting Recipes
- Custom Potion Workshop Reagents
- Custom Spirit Instiller Recipes
- Custom Liquid Dipping Recipes
- Custom Ink Converting Recipes
- Custom Crystallarieum Recipes
- Custom Cinderhearth Recipes
- Custom Titration Barrel Recipes
- Fluid Ingredients
Loot Tables
More Customisation
- Adding Nature's Staff Conversions
- Adding Entity Fishing Entries
- Adding Resonance Drops
- Adding Crystal Apothecary Harvestables
- Adding Particle Spawner Particles
For Contributors