Aetherening #4633
10 errors
Run Tests:
[23:54:15] Runtime in code/__HELPERS/,3: non finite amount passed to remove reagent /datum/reagent/tincture/woundseal
proc name: stack trace (/proc/stack_trace)
src: null
call stack:
stack trace("non finite amount passed to re...")
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent(/datum/reagent/tincture/wounds... (/datum/reagent/tincture/woundseal), null, 1, 0)
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent list(/list (/list))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): succeed invoke(Kristopher Quinn (/mob/living/carbon/human))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): begin invoke(Russell Driggers (/mob/living/carbon/human), the Biblion tou Hema (/obj/item/aether_tome))
Run Tests:
[23:54:15] Runtime in code/__HELPERS/,3: non finite amount passed to remove reagent /datum/reagent/tincture/burnboil
proc name: stack trace (/proc/stack_trace)
src: null
call stack:
stack trace("non finite amount passed to re...")
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent(/datum/reagent/tincture/burnbo... (/datum/reagent/tincture/burnboil), null, 1, 0)
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent list(/list (/list))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): succeed invoke(Kristopher Quinn (/mob/living/carbon/human))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): begin invoke(Russell Driggers (/mob/living/carbon/human), the Biblion tou Hema (/obj/item/aether_tome))
Run Tests:
[23:54:15] Runtime in code/__HELPERS/,3: non finite amount passed to remove reagent /datum/reagent/tincture/siphroot
proc name: stack trace (/proc/stack_trace)
src: null
call stack:
stack trace("non finite amount passed to re...")
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent(/datum/reagent/tincture/siphro... (/datum/reagent/tincture/siphroot), null, 1, 0)
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent list(/list (/list))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): succeed invoke(Kristopher Quinn (/mob/living/carbon/human))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): begin invoke(Russell Driggers (/mob/living/carbon/human), the Biblion tou Hema (/obj/item/aether_tome))
Run Tests:
[23:54:15] Runtime in code/__HELPERS/,3: non finite amount passed to remove reagent /datum/reagent/tincture/calomel
proc name: stack trace (/proc/stack_trace)
src: null
call stack:
stack trace("non finite amount passed to re...")
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent(/datum/reagent/tincture/calome... (/datum/reagent/tincture/calomel), null, 1, 0)
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent list(/list (/list))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): succeed invoke(Kristopher Quinn (/mob/living/carbon/human))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): begin invoke(Russell Driggers (/mob/living/carbon/human), the Biblion tou Hema (/obj/item/aether_tome))
Run Tests:
[23:54:15] Runtime in code/__HELPERS/,3: non finite amount passed to remove reagent /datum/reagent/tincture/woundseal
proc name: stack trace (/proc/stack_trace)
src: null
call stack:
stack trace("non finite amount passed to re...")
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent(/datum/reagent/tincture/wounds... (/datum/reagent/tincture/woundseal), null, 1, 0)
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent list(/list (/list))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): succeed invoke(Kristopher Quinn (/mob/living/carbon/human))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): begin invoke(Russell Driggers (/mob/living/carbon/human), the Biblion tou Hema (/obj/item/aether_tome))
Run Tests:
[23:54:15] Runtime in code/__HELPERS/,3: non finite amount passed to remove reagent /datum/reagent/tincture/burnboil
proc name: stack trace (/proc/stack_trace)
src: null
call stack:
stack trace("non finite amount passed to re...")
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent(/datum/reagent/tincture/burnbo... (/datum/reagent/tincture/burnboil), null, 1, 0)
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent list(/list (/list))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): succeed invoke(Kristopher Quinn (/mob/living/carbon/human))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): begin invoke(Russell Driggers (/mob/living/carbon/human), the Biblion tou Hema (/obj/item/aether_tome))
Run Tests:
[23:54:15] Runtime in code/__HELPERS/,3: non finite amount passed to remove reagent /datum/reagent/tincture/siphroot
proc name: stack trace (/proc/stack_trace)
src: null
call stack:
stack trace("non finite amount passed to re...")
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent(/datum/reagent/tincture/siphro... (/datum/reagent/tincture/siphroot), null, 1, 0)
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent list(/list (/list))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): succeed invoke(Kristopher Quinn (/mob/living/carbon/human))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): begin invoke(Russell Driggers (/mob/living/carbon/human), the Biblion tou Hema (/obj/item/aether_tome))
Run Tests:
[23:54:15] Runtime in code/__HELPERS/,3: non finite amount passed to remove reagent /datum/reagent/tincture/calomel
proc name: stack trace (/proc/stack_trace)
src: null
call stack:
stack trace("non finite amount passed to re...")
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent(/datum/reagent/tincture/calome... (/datum/reagent/tincture/calomel), null, 1, 0)
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent list(/list (/list))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): succeed invoke(Kristopher Quinn (/mob/living/carbon/human))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): begin invoke(Russell Driggers (/mob/living/carbon/human), the Biblion tou Hema (/obj/item/aether_tome))
Run Tests:
[23:54:15] Runtime in code/__HELPERS/,3: non finite amount passed to remove reagent /datum/reagent/tincture/woundseal
proc name: stack trace (/proc/stack_trace)
src: null
call stack:
stack trace("non finite amount passed to re...")
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent(/datum/reagent/tincture/wounds... (/datum/reagent/tincture/woundseal), null, 1, 0)
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent list(/list (/list))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): succeed invoke(Kristopher Quinn (/mob/living/carbon/human))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): begin invoke(Russell Driggers (/mob/living/carbon/human), the Biblion tou Hema (/obj/item/aether_tome))
Run Tests:
[23:54:15] Runtime in code/__HELPERS/,3: non finite amount passed to remove reagent /datum/reagent/tincture/burnboil
proc name: stack trace (/proc/stack_trace)
src: null
call stack:
stack trace("non finite amount passed to re...")
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent(/datum/reagent/tincture/burnbo... (/datum/reagent/tincture/burnboil), null, 1, 0)
/datum/reagents (/datum/reagents): remove reagent list(/list (/list))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): succeed invoke(Kristopher Quinn (/mob/living/carbon/human))
the strange rune (/obj/effect/aether_rune/heal): begin invoke(Russell Driggers (/mob/living/carbon/human), the Biblion tou Hema (/obj/item/aether_tome))