publicly accesible stuff for 42
Project | Mark | Notes |
libft | 125% | A collection of functions that are often but not always a direct implementation of libc functions that 42's students are not supposed to use are they develop their projects |
get_next_line | 115% | Function written in c that, called in a loop, updates a string with, line after line, all of the lines from a file descriptor, and returns -1 if there was an error, 1 if there are still lines to read and 0 if there are not lines anymore. The prototype is int get_next_line(char **line, int fd) |
netwhat | 100% | Notes to prepare for an online test about computer networks |
ft_printf | 100% | My implementation of the libc printf function. It takes left, right and zero padding flags, precision and width fields, and string, pointer, integer, unsigned decimal and hex formats. It also takes externalized parameters (*) |
ft_server | --- | I have yet to give in this project. I couldn't because of the whole pandemic situation. It automatically builds a docker container that runs the followings services: nginx web server, wordpress website running on a mysql database that can be managed from a phpmyadmin deployment |
cub3d | 100% | Graphics project that given a configuration file, builds and represents in a window the first person view of a character as it moves through a maze, akin a 3d shooter game |
libasm | 110% | Collection of simple functions written in NASM x64 assembly for GNU/linux (with comments) |
The folder scripts houses a collection of useful shellscripts that I've written or modified.
The folder config houses a collection of some of my config files, including a tar file with my emacs (very large) environment setup.