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Depend on secp256k1 for k256
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DanGould committed Jun 3, 2024
1 parent f8126a3 commit 1570e45
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Showing 5 changed files with 733 additions and 0 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ p384 = ["dep:p384"]
p256 = ["dep:p256"]
p521 = ["dep:p521"]
k256 = ["dep:k256"]
secp = ["bitcoin", "secp256k1/global-context", "secp256k1/rand-std"]
# Include allocating methods like open() and seal()
alloc = []
# Includes an implementation of `std::error::Error` for `HpkeError`. Also does what `alloc` does.
Expand All @@ -29,6 +30,9 @@ std = []
aead = "0.5"
aes-gcm = "0.10"
bitcoin = { version = "0.32.0", optional = true }
secp256k1 = { version = "0.29", optional = true }
# bitcoin = { git = "", commit = "0d1cab68eee59f79c3ec76cf393438471b68fe69", optional = true }
byteorder = { version = "1.4", default-features = false }
chacha20poly1305 = "0.10"
generic-array = { version = "0.14", default-features = false }
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,3 +49,6 @@ pub(crate) mod ecdh_nist;

#[cfg(feature = "x25519")]
pub(crate) mod x25519;

#[cfg(feature = "secp")]
pub(crate) mod secp256k1;
363 changes: 363 additions & 0 deletions src/dhkex/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
use crate::{
dhkex::{DhError, DhKeyExchange},
kdf::{labeled_extract, Kdf as KdfTrait, LabeledExpand},
util::{enforce_equal_len, enforce_outbuf_len, KemSuiteId},
Deserializable, HpkeError, Serializable,

use generic_array::typenum::{self, Unsigned};
use subtle::{Choice, ConstantTimeEq};

// We wrap the types in order to abstract away the dalek dep

/// A Secp256k1 public key
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct PublicKey(bitcoin::secp256k1::PublicKey);

// The underlying type is zeroize-on-drop
/// An X25519 private key
pub struct PrivateKey(bitcoin::secp256k1::SecretKey);

impl ConstantTimeEq for PrivateKey {
fn ct_eq(&self, other: &Self) -> Choice {

impl PartialEq for PrivateKey {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
impl Eq for PrivateKey {}

// The underlying type is zeroize-on-drop
/// A bare DH computation result
pub struct KexResult(bitcoin::secp256k1::ecdh::SharedSecret);

// Oh I love an excuse to break out type-level integers
impl Serializable for PublicKey {
// RFC 9180 §7.1 Table 2: Npk of DHKEM(Secp256k1, HKDF-SHA256) is 65
type OutputSize = typenum::U65;

// secp256k1 lets us serialize uncompressed pubkeys to [u8; 65]
fn write_exact(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) {
// Check the length is correct and panic if not


impl Deserializable for PublicKey {
// secp256k1 lets us convert [u8; 65] to pubkeys. Assuming the input length is correct, this // TODO IS THIS RIGHT?
// conversion is infallible, so no ValidationErrors are raised.
fn from_bytes(encoded: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, HpkeError> {
// TODO can I get rid of equal len since bitcoin::secp256k1 already does this?
// Pubkeys must be 65 bytes
enforce_equal_len(Self::OutputSize::to_usize(), encoded.len())?;

// Copy to a fixed-size array
let mut arr = [0u8; 65];
Ok(PublicKey(bitcoin::secp256k1::PublicKey::from_slice(&arr).map_err(|_| HpkeError::ValidationError)?))

impl Serializable for PrivateKey {
// RFC 9180 §7.1 Table 2: Nsk of DHKEM(Secp256k1, HKDF-SHA256) is 32
type OutputSize = typenum::U32;

// secp256k1 lets us convert scalars to [u8; 32] // TODO CHECK!
fn write_exact(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) {
// Check the length is correct and panic if not

impl Deserializable for PrivateKey {
// Secp256k1 lets us convert [u8; 32] to scalars. Assuming the input length is correct, this
// conversion is infallible, so no ValidationErrors are raised.
fn from_bytes(encoded: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, HpkeError> {
// Privkeys must be 32 bytes
enforce_equal_len(Self::OutputSize::to_usize(), encoded.len())?;

// Copy to a fixed-size array
let mut arr = [0u8; 32];
// We don't have to do a zero-check for X25519 private keys. We clamp all private keys upon
// deserialization, and clamped private keys cannot ever be 0 mod curve_order. In fact,
// they can't even be 0 mod q where q is the order of the prime subgroup generated by the
// canonical generator.
// Why?
// A clamped key k is of the form 2^254 + 8j where j is in [0, 2^251-1]. If k = 0 (mod q)
// then k = nq for some n > 0. And since k is a multiple of 8 and q is prime, n must be a
// multiple of 8. However, 8q > 2^257 which is already out of representable range! So k
// cannot be 0 (mod q).
Ok(PrivateKey(bitcoin::secp256k1::SecretKey::from_slice(&arr).map_err(|_| HpkeError::ValidationError)?))

impl Serializable for KexResult {
// RFC 9180 §4.1: For Secp256k1, the size Ndh is equal to 32
type OutputSize = typenum::U32;

// curve25519's point representation is our DH result. We don't have to do anything special.
fn write_exact(&self, buf: &mut [u8]) {
// Check the length is correct and panic if not

// Dalek lets us convert shared secrets to to [u8; 32]

/// Represents ECDH functionality over the Secp256k1 group
pub struct Secp256k1 {}

impl DhKeyExchange for Secp256k1 {
type PublicKey = PublicKey;
type PrivateKey = PrivateKey;
type KexResult = KexResult;

/// Converts an Secp256k1 private key to a public key
fn sk_to_pk(sk: &PrivateKey) -> PublicKey {

/// Does the DH operation. Returns an error if and only if the DH result was all zeros. This is
/// required by the HPKE spec. The error is converted into the appropriate higher-level error
/// by the caller, i.e., `HpkeError::EncapError` or `HpkeError::DecapError`.
fn dh(sk: &PrivateKey, pk: &PublicKey) -> Result<KexResult, DhError> {
// let res = bitcoin::secp256k1::ecdh::shared_secret_point(&pk.0, &sk.0);
let res = bitcoin::secp256k1::ecdh::SharedSecret::new( &pk.0, &sk.0);
// "Senders and recipients MUST check whether the shared secret is the all-zero value
// and abort if so"
if res.secret_bytes().ct_eq(&[0u8; 32]).into() {
} else {

// RFC 9180 §7.1.3
// def DeriveKeyPair(ikm):
// dkp_prk = LabeledExtract("", "dkp_prk", ikm)
// sk = LabeledExpand(dkp_prk, "sk", "", Nsk)
// return (sk, pk(sk))

/// Deterministically derives a keypair from the given input keying material and ciphersuite
/// ID. The keying material SHOULD have as many bits of entropy as the bit length of a secret
/// key, i.e., 256.
fn derive_keypair<Kdf: KdfTrait>(suite_id: &KemSuiteId, ikm: &[u8]) -> (PrivateKey, PublicKey) {
// Write the label into a byte buffer and extract from the IKM
let (_, hkdf_ctx) = labeled_extract::<Kdf>(&[], suite_id, b"dkp_prk", ikm);
// The buffer we hold the candidate scalar bytes in. This is the size of a private key.
let mut buf = [0u8; 32];
.labeled_expand(suite_id, b"sk", &[], &mut buf)

let sk = bitcoin::secp256k1::SecretKey::from_slice(&buf).expect("clamped private key");
let pk = bitcoin::secp256k1::PublicKey::from_secret_key_global(&sk);
(PrivateKey(sk), PublicKey(pk))

mod tests {
use crate::dhkex::{secp256k1::Secp256k1, Deserializable, DhKeyExchange, Serializable};
use generic_array::typenum::Unsigned;
use rand::{rngs::StdRng, RngCore, SeedableRng};

// /// Tests that an serialize-deserialize round-trip ends up at the same pubkey
// #[test]
// fn test_pubkey_serialize_correctness() {
// type Kex = Secp256k1;

// let mut csprng = StdRng::from_entropy();

// let (_sk, pk) = secp256k1::generate_keypair(&mut csprng);

// // Make a pubkey with those random bytes. Note, that from_bytes() does not clamp the input
// // bytes. This is why this test passes.
// let pk = crate::dhkex::secp256k1::PublicKey(pk);
// let pk_bytes = pk.to_bytes();
// let re_serialized = <Kex as DhKeyExchange>::PublicKey::from_bytes(&pk_bytes.as_slice()).unwrap();

// // See if the re-serialized bytes are the same as the input
// assert_eq!(pk_bytes,re_serialized.to_bytes());
// }

// /// Tests that an deserialize-serialize round trip on a DH keypair ends up at the same values
// #[test]
// fn test_dh_serialize_correctness() {
// type Kex = Secp256k1;

// let mut csprng = StdRng::from_entropy();

// // Make a random keypair and serialize it
// let (sk, pk) = secp256k1::generate_keypair(&mut csprng);
// let (sk_bytes, pk_bytes) = (sk.secret_bytes(), pk.serialize_uncompressed());

// // Now deserialize those bytes
// let new_sk = <Kex as DhKeyExchange>::PrivateKey::from_bytes(&sk_bytes.as_slice()).unwrap();
// let new_pk = <Kex as DhKeyExchange>::PublicKey::from_bytes(&pk_bytes.as_slice()).unwrap();

// // See if the deserialized values are the same as the initial ones
// assert!(new_sk == crate::dhkex::secp256k1::PrivateKey(sk), "private key doesn't serialize correctly");
// assert!(new_pk == crate::dhkex::secp256k1::PublicKey(pk), "public key doesn't serialize correctly");
// }

fn just_test_secp_roundtrip() {
use secp256k1::{PublicKey, SecretKey, generate_keypair};
let (sk1, pk1) = generate_keypair(&mut rand_core::OsRng);
assert_eq!(SecretKey::from_slice(&sk1[..]), Ok(sk1));
assert_eq!(PublicKey::from_slice(&pk1.serialize()[..]), Ok(pk1));
assert_eq!(PublicKey::from_slice(&pk1.serialize_uncompressed()[..]), Ok(pk1));

use crate::{test_util::dhkex_gen_keypair};

use hex_literal::hex;

// Test vectors come from the draft's ChaCha20-Poly1305 first base test case.

#[cfg(feature = "secp")]
const K256_PRIVKEYS: &[&[u8]] = &[
&hex!("30FBC0D4 1CD01885 333211FF 53B9ED29 BCBDCCC3 FF13625A 82DB61A7 BB8EAE19"),
&hex!("A795C287 C132154A 8B96DC81 DC8B4E2F 02BBBAD7 8DAB0567 B59DB1D1 540751F6"),

// The public keys corresponding to the above private keys, in order
#[cfg(feature = "secp")]
const K256_PUBKEYS: &[&[u8]] = &[
"04" // Uncompressed
"59177516 8F328A2A DBCB887A CD287D55 A1025D7D 2B15E193 7278A5EF D1D48B19" // x-coordinate
"C00CF075 59320E6D 278A71C9 E58BAE5D 9AB041D7 905C6629 1F4D0845 9C946E18" // y-coordinate
"04" // Uncompressed
"3EE73144 07753D1B A296DE29 F07B2CD5 505CA94B 614F127E 71F3C19F C7845DAF" // x-coordinate
"49C9BB4B F4D00D3B 5411C8EB 86D59A2D CADC5A13 115FA9FE F44D1E0B 7EF11CAB" // y-coordinate

// The result of DH(privkey0, pubkey1) or equivalently, DH(privkey1, pubkey0)
#[cfg(feature = "secp")]
const K256_DH_RES_XCOORD: &[u8] =
&hex!("3ADDFBC2 B30E3D1B 1DF262A4 D6CECF73 A11DF8BD 93E0EB21 FC11847C 6F3DDBE2");

/// Tests the ECDH op against a known answer
fn test_vector_ecdh<Kex: DhKeyExchange>(
sk_recip_bytes: &[u8],
pk_sender_bytes: &[u8],
dh_res_xcoord_bytes: &[u8],
) {
// Deserialize the pubkey and privkey and do a DH operation
let sk_recip = Kex::PrivateKey::from_bytes(&sk_recip_bytes).unwrap();
let pk_sender = Kex::PublicKey::from_bytes(&pk_sender_bytes).unwrap();
let derived_dh = Kex::dh(&sk_recip, &pk_sender).unwrap();

// Assert that the derived DH result matches the test vector. Recall that the HPKE DH
// result is just the x-coordinate, so that's all we can compare
assert_eq!(derived_dh.to_bytes().as_slice(), dh_res_xcoord_bytes,);

/// Tests that an deserialize-serialize round-trip ends up at the same pubkey
fn test_pubkey_serialize_correctness<Kex: DhKeyExchange>() {
let mut csprng = StdRng::from_entropy();

// We can't do the same thing as in the X25519 tests, since a completely random point
// is not likely to lie on the curve. Instead, we just generate a random point,
// serialize it, deserialize it, and test whether it's the same using impl Eq for
// AffinePoint

let (_, pubkey) = dhkex_gen_keypair::<Kex, _>(&mut csprng);
let pubkey_bytes = pubkey.to_bytes();
let rederived_pubkey =
<Kex as DhKeyExchange>::PublicKey::from_bytes(&pubkey_bytes).unwrap();

// See if the re-serialized bytes are the same as the input
assert_eq!(pubkey, rederived_pubkey);

/// Tests the `sk_to_pk` function against known answers
fn test_vector_corresponding_pubkey<Kex: DhKeyExchange>(sks: &[&[u8]], pks: &[&[u8]]) {
for (sk_bytes, pk_bytes) in sks.iter().zip(pks.iter()) {
// Deserialize the hex values
let sk = Kex::PrivateKey::from_bytes(sk_bytes).unwrap();
let pk = Kex::PublicKey::from_bytes(pk_bytes).unwrap();

// Derive the secret key's corresponding pubkey and check that it matches the given
// pubkey
let derived_pk = Kex::sk_to_pk(&sk);
assert_eq!(derived_pk, pk);

/// Tests that an deserialize-serialize round-trip on a DH keypair ends up at the same values
fn test_dh_serialize_correctness<Kex: DhKeyExchange>()
Kex::PrivateKey: PartialEq,
let mut csprng = StdRng::from_entropy();

// Make a random keypair and serialize it
let (sk, pk) = dhkex_gen_keypair::<Kex, _>(&mut csprng);
let (sk_bytes, pk_bytes) = (sk.to_bytes(), pk.to_bytes());

// Now deserialize those bytes
let new_sk = Kex::PrivateKey::from_bytes(&sk_bytes).unwrap();
let new_pk = Kex::PublicKey::from_bytes(&pk_bytes).unwrap();

// See if the deserialized values are the same as the initial ones
assert!(new_sk == sk, "private key doesn't serialize correctly");
assert!(new_pk == pk, "public key doesn't serialize correctly");

#[cfg(feature = "secp")]
fn test_vector_ecdh_k256() {
test_vector_ecdh::<Secp256k1>(&K256_PRIVKEYS[0], &K256_PUBKEYS[1], &K256_DH_RES_XCOORD);

#[cfg(feature = "secp")]
fn test_vector_corresponding_pubkey_k256() {
test_vector_corresponding_pubkey::<Secp256k1>(K256_PRIVKEYS, K256_PUBKEYS);

#[cfg(feature = "secp")]
fn test_pubkey_serialize_correctness_k256() {

#[cfg(feature = "secp")]
fn test_dh_serialize_correctness_k256() {
use super::Secp256k1;



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