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🎥📱 MotionEye-Telegram

⚠️ Deprecation notice ⚠️

This project started as a problem solver for ourself and did his job very well. Unfortunately, as things move on, development has stopped a long time ago. This is why it is officially being archived. There is a chance that it will continue to work for some people. If you like it - good. If it doesn't work - Sorry for wasting your time, feeling bad for you.

❤️ Contribute!

We noticed that people are really using motioneye-telegram, that is awesome. If you encounter any problems or can't find something you are searching for, feel free to start a discussion, contact us (of course) via Telegram or by adding an issue. Any ideas are welcome!

⚡ Features

  • send latest n snapshots and video via telegram
  • presence-check (you are not at home by pinging one or more eg. smartphones)
  • no port forwardings or open ports required (443 outbound must be possible)
  • no telegram-bot installation required
  • ! currently there are some problems with wifi-devices in energy saving mode, any help appreciated.

📋 Prerequisites

For these scripts to run, you have to ensure that your environment meets the follwing prerequisites:

  • Minimum, by motioneye supported, Raspberry Pi (SBC)
  • Raspberry Pi OS Version Buster (Debian 10) or higher
  • latest motioneye installed
  • tested with motion Version 4.4.0 and motionEye Version 0.42.1
  • somehow fixed IP Adress for your smartphone(s) or other devices

🤖 Bot-Creation

create a new telegram-bot
  • look for @botfather in telegram and open a chat
  • enter the following command and follow the wizard for creation
  • write down your HTTP API KEY
get your chat-id:
  • start a conversation with @jsondumpbot.
  • this will return a json-styled message to you which includes your chat-id:
  • for example:
    "chat": {
      "id": <your chat id, eg. 321654987>,
      (... some more content ...)
  • take note of your chat-id and save it alongside your http api key
privacy activation
  • details can be found here
  • send the following command to @botfather to use some more privacy
more telegram commands:
  • you can enter these into telegram if you want to
    /setdescription - changes the bot-description
    /setabouttext - changes the bot-about-description
    /setuserpic - changes the photo in your bot-profile

⌨️ installation of motioneye-telegram

  • go to your home directory on your raspberry pi
    cd ~
  • install prerequisites
    sudo apt install -y arping tree git
  • download all the files from github
    git clone
  • start the installation script
    cd motioneye-telegram
install the cronjob for presence check

to install the cronjob for presence check we have to run as root (using sudo).

as we should never run unknown scripts as root, we kindly invite you to take a sneek peak at before continuing. to install the cronjob (which runs bin/ every minute):

  • start the installation script and carefully read the instructions given
    sudo ./

🚀 using motioneye-telegram as motioneye notification

  • toggle Still Images on and select Capture Mode
  • toggle Movies on and select Recording Mode
  • look for your script path and enter it in motioneye ("run an end command" in "motion notification") e.g. /home/pi/motioneye-telegram/bin/ %$ %t
  • %$ important because it passes the camera name to the script
  • %t important because it passes the camera id to the script

Made with ❤️ in Bavaria 🍻
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