Hitchpicks is a web app to track your watched movies and TV shows.
It was built as a project for the course of Software Engineering of the Computer Science faculty, Università degli Studi di Salerno.
Following instructions are for team members contributing to the project.
Commit structure to follow:
"<emoji> meaningful title"
"brief description of changes
Emojis are roughly based on Gitmoji.
🎉 - Initial commit
✨ - New feature
🐛 - Bug fix
📝 - Documentation
🧪 - Test
🗃️ - Database
💄 - UI and styles
♻️ - Refactoring
🏗️ - Build pipeline
💚 - CI
To install PostgreSQL and pgAdmin: https://www.postgresql.org/download/windows/.
Remember to create a user called hitchpicks
with password admin
and a database called hitchpicks
To install frontend packages:
cd /src/main/frontend
npm install
Then, run Maven lifecycle install
Remember to install IntelliJ's Tailwind and JTE plugins.
First, always
git pull origin main
cd /src/main/frontend
npm run watch
Last, you can execute the application from IntelliJ.
For Checkstyle, use Maven's menu in IntelliJ: hitchpicks > Plugins > checkstyle > checkstyle:check
For tests, use Maven's menu in IntelliJ: hitchpicks > Lifecycle > test