Hitchpicks is a web app to track your watched movies and TV shows.
This README is W.I.P.!
Commit structure to follow:
"<emoji> meaningful title"
"brief description of changes
Emojis are roughly based on Gitmoji.
🎉 - Initial commit
✨ - New feature
🐛 - Bug fix
📝 - Documentation
🧪 - Test
🗃️ - Database
💄 - UI and styles
♻️ - Refactoring
🏗️ - Build pipeline
💚 - CI
To install PostgreSQL and pgAdmin: https://www.postgresql.org/download/windows/.
Remember to create a user called hitchpicks
with password admin
and a database called hitchpicks
To install frontend packages:
cd /src/main/frontend
npm install
Then, run Maven lifecycle install
Remember to install IntelliJ's Tailwind and JTE plugins.
First, always
git pull origin main
cd /src/main/frontend
npm run watch
Last, you can execute the application from IntelliJ.
For Checkstyle, use Maven's menu in IntelliJ: hitchpicks > Plugins > checkstyle > checkstyle:check
For tests, use Maven's menu in IntelliJ: hitchpicks > Lifecycle > test