This repository contains a collection of function to import and export BIDS-formated experiments. The code is tailored for use in EEGLAB but may also be used independently of EEGLAB. Conversion of data format from non-supported BIDS binary format require that EEGLAB be installed (supported formats are EEGLAB .set files, EDF files, BDF files, and Brain Vision Exchange Format files).
Simply place the code in the plugin folder of EEGLAB and it will be automatically detected by EEGLAB.
Because there is so much meta-data in BIDS, exporting a collection of dataset to BIDS is currently best done from the command line. An documented example script ''bids_export_example.m'' is provided. You may modify this script for your own purpose. A menu ''To BIDS folder structure'' is available for EEGLAB studies but EEGLAB will not be able to provide important meta-data it does not have access to (such as Authors of the study and other data information). A comprehensive export graphic interface is in development.
The EEGLAB menu to import a BIDS dataset into an EEGLAB study is fully functional. A screen capture is shown below.
Raw raw EEG data file often has events. However, BIDS also define events in dedicated event files. Sometimes the BIDS event files contain more information than the raw EEG data file. In that case, users may choose to overwrite raw EEG data events with the event information contained in the BIDS event files.
Similarly raw EEG data files often define channel labels. However, BIDS also define channel labels and channel locations in dedicated event files. By pressing the second checkbox, users may choose to use the channel label and location information contained in the BIDS channel definition files.
Finally, user may select an output folder for storing their EEGLAB STUDY. If a folder is not selected, EEGLAB will store STUDY files ''in place'' which means in the BIDS folder structure - resulting in the BIDS folder becoming non-BIDS compliant and failing to pass BIDS validation because of the additional EEGLAB files.
v1.0 - initial version
v2.0 - add support for external channel location and fix minor bugs
v3.0 - better export for multiple runs and allowing importing BIDS folder with multiple runs
v3.1 - fix multiple issues at export time including subject numbering
v3.2 - fix menu conflict in EEGLAB with bids validator; check channel types; add option to choose EEG event field; minor bugs
v3.3 - fix issue for windows and work on GUI