Releases: DantSu/Telmi-Sync
Telmi Sync v0.8.1
Telmi Sync v0.8.0
Telmi Sync is a cross-platform application for create and synchronize stories and audio files with TelmiOS.
- The interface remembers searches and displays preferences (thumbnail/list)
- Studio
- Add clone scenes
- New switch to be able to reset the numbers of inventory objects to their default values.
- Automatic versioning of stories (Automatic versioning of stories is used in the store and in the transfer to Telmi OS. Now Telmi Sync detects versions and no longer grays out if a more recent version exists locally or on compatible stores)
Telmi Sync v0.7.3
Telmi Sync is a cross-platform application for create and synchronize stories and audio files with TelmiOS.
- http/https request refactored to increase web server compatibility
- Fix request bug
Telmi Sync v0.7.2
Telmi Sync is a cross-platform application for create and synchronize stories and audio files with TelmiOS.
- Stores : Saving store sort
- Stores : Improve RSS feed compatibility
- Stores : Save title and description into packs from RSS feed
- Player : Change inventory item counter style to be closer of Telmi OS one
- Adding request timeout
Telmi Sync v0.7.1
Telmi Sync is a cross-platform application for create and synchronize stories and audio files with TelmiOS.
- Store : Fix Linux Podcast RSS feed compatibility
Telmi Sync v0.7.0
Telmi Sync is a cross-platform application for synchronize your stories and audio files with TelmiOS.
- Store : Podcast RSS feed compatibility
Telmi Sync v0.6.1
Telmi Sync is a cross-platform application for synchronize your stories and audio files with TelmiOS.
- New default store :
- Minor bug fix
Telmi Sync v0.6.0
Telmi Sync is a cross-platform application for synchronize your stories and audio files with TelmiOS.
- Display disabled tab Studio
- Studio :
- Tooltip on stages to show path of image and audio files
- Child stages list : Adding index before the name
- Add * / % assignment operators
- Add variable playing time
Telmi Sync v0.5.0
Telmi Sync is a cross-platform application for synchronize your stories and audio files with TelmiOS.
- Add items comparison and assignment
Telmi Sync v0.4.1
Telmi Sync is a cross-platform application for synchronize your stories and audio files with TelmiOS.
- Studio : Fix major bug