This project is for the blockchain application My Dapp. It contains code for the Smart Contract, web-based dapp and NodeJS server.
In order to develop and build My Dapp, the following pre-requisites must be installed:
- Visual Studio Code (or any IDE for editing Javascript)
- NodeJS v10.x
- Solidity v0.5.11
- Truffle v5.0.7
- Ganache v2.0.0 - blockchain simulator for Ethereum
Using a terminal (or command prompt), change to the folder containing the project files and type: npm install
This will fetch all required dependencies. The process will take 1-3 minutes and while it is in progress
you can move on to the next step.
Launch the Ganache GUI, then create a new workspace with any name of your choice. Once the workspace is active, click the gear icon and complete these configuration steps:
Workspace Tab: Truffle Projects: Select "Add Project" and select "truffle-config.js" from the same folder as this file
Accounts & Keys Tab: Mnemonic (field with 12 or more words): Copy/paste the words below.
inner drink fortune strategy guard render remove essay imitate private fresh try
These keywords are used to auto-generate accounts with private keys for development. If the keywords in "truffle-config.js" (which are the same as above) and Ganache don't match, you will not be able to deploy your Smart Contracts to Ganache.
Server Tab: Check that "Port Number" is "7545" and "Network ID = 5777"
Using a terminal (or command prompt), change to the folder containing the project files and type: npm start
This will run the "deploy" and "dapp" scripts which compile and deploy the Smart Contracts, then build and run the client-side dapp.
To view your dapp, open your browser to http://localhost:8000
If you encounter any problems at this step, visit for help.
If you prefer to run scripts individually, the order is:
npm install
npm run deploy
npm run dapp
npm run server
(must be run in a separate terminal window)
npm run deploy
to compile contracts/*.sol files, deploy them to the blockchain.
Run the dapp in a separate terminal. You must have run npm run deploy
for the dapp to see most recent smart contract changes.
npm run dapp
runs the dapp on http://localhost:8000 using webpack dev server
Run the server in a separate terminal. You must have run npm run deploy
for the dapp to see most recent smart contract changes.
npm run server
runs NodeJs server app on port 3000 with Express
contains settings used by test scripts
Run tests using npm test [test file]
(example: npm test ./test/dapp-tests.js)
DappStarter currently does not provide blockchain migration scripts to be used in production. However, here are the scripts for generating production builds:
npm run dapp:prod
generates dapp bundle for production using webpack
npm run server:prod
generates NodeJs server bundle for production using webpack