Simple discord bot to re-embed twitter tiktok embeds to be better viewed both on mobile and desktop
make sure you are running on node 16.x or above
to use the bot first run "npm init" the go to package.json file and change the line that contains ["main": "index.js" to "main": "bot.js"] and change the ["test": "long default test command" to "test": "node ."], note everything isn't written to be exactly how it it'll look like in your package.json so change the paramaters that look closest and do your research
then to install the nessessary packages run "npm i discord.js discord-api-types @discordjs/rest dotenv [email protected]"
to start the bot make sure you are in the same directory as package.json and run "npm run test" or "node ." to start the bot, make sure you have a token set in the .env file other wise the script won't connect to your application