Automatically exported from
This project contains the code from this blog post on [Carsonified]( Carsonified).
Updated 9/24/09
Starting the session is a simple call to the "sessionStart" static function.
// Creates a basic session.
// Creates a session thats ends when the browser closes and is only accessible at
SessionManager::sessionStart('Blog_myBlog', 0, '/myBlog/', '');
// Creates a session thats ends when the browser closes and is only accessible at
SessionManager::sessionStart('Accounts_Bank', 0, '/', '', true);
You can manually set a session id to regenerate using the regenerateSession function. This is useful for when you change authentication states (the user logs in or out) as it also invalidates the old session.
// Regenerate the session.
SessionManager:: regenerateSession();
- Protects against fixation attacks by regenerating the ID periodically.
- Prevents session run conditions caused by rapid concurrent connections (such as when Ajax is in use).
- Locks a session to a user agent and ip address to prevent theft.
- Supports users behind proxies by identifying proxy headers in requests.
- Handles edge cases such as AOL's proxy network and IE8's user-agent changes.