This package is notification tools for Linux OS.
Before using LinuxNotifier, you need to install following softwares to work correctly in your Linux system.
- libnotify for desktop notifications
- "mail" for e-mail notifications
This package uses "mail" linux command to notify by e-mail. Thus you need some settings in advance. If following command works correctly, you don't need further setting.
$ echo test | mail -s hoge [email protected]
using LinuxNotifier
lnotify("calculation done")
# defalut title is set by date.
# You can change the title by title option, lnotify("calculation done", title="hogehoge")
lnotify("calculation done", sound=true) # with sound
lnotify("calculation done", music="./hoge.wav") # specify a sound file
alarm() # only sound. You can specify a sound file, alarm(music="./piyo.wav")
email("message", ToAddress="[email protected]") # defalut subject is set by date.
email("message", subject="result", ToAddress="[email protected]")
If you use "email" fn frequently, I recommend you to register your e-email address by "register_email" fn.
julia> register_email()
Type your desired recipient e-mail address to receive a notification.
Recipient e-mail address is saved at /path/to/.julia/v0.5/LinuxNotifier/email/address.txt.
If you want to change the address, modify /path/to/.julia/v0.5/LinuxNotifier/email/address.txt directly or execute register_email() again
After you registered, you don't need specify e-mail address.