Geographical data helpers
Convert FIPS 10-4
to ISO 3166-1
code, or vice versa:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use DatingVIP\geo\Country_Code;
echo (new Country_Code)->fips2iso ('SG');
// outputs: SN
echo (new Country_Code)->iso2fips ('PR');
// outputs: RQ
Validate or parse Postal Codes for almost any country (using regular expressions).
Country codes are accepted in ISO 3166-1
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use DatingVIP\geo\Postal_Code;
use DatingVIP\geo\Validation_Exception;
$postal_code = new Postal_Code ();
// check if country is covered
var_dump ($postal_code->coveringCountry ('SG'));
// bool(true)
// get an array of human readable postal code formats for given country
var_dump ($postal_code->getFormats ('RS'));
// array(1) {
// [0]=>
// string(5) "#####"
// check if zip code is valid
var_dump ($postal_code->isValid ('RS', '11000'));
// bool(true)
try {
$postal_code->isValid ('WW', '....');
} catch (Validation_Exception $e) {
var_dump ($e->getMessage());
// string(26) "Invalid country code: "WW""
if ($postal_code->contains ('RS', '11000, Beograd'))
var_dump ($postal_code->capture ('RS', '11000, Beograd'));
// string(5) "11000"
Map of wildcards to regexes:
ISO 3166-2
principal subdivisions (provinces, states, regions) utility class
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use DatingVIP\geo\State_Code;
$state_code = new State_Code ();
// get available states/regions in given country
var_dump ($state_code->getCountry ('CY'));
//array(6) {
// ["04"]=>
// string(12) "Ammóchostos"
// ["06"]=>
// string(9) "Kerýneia"
// ["03"]=>
// string(8) "Lárnaka"
// ["01"]=>
// string(9) "Lefkosía"
// ["02"]=>
// string(8) "Lemesós"
// ["05"]=>
// string(6) "Páfos"
// get region/state name based on given code
var_dump ($state_code->getName ('CY', '02'));
//string(8) "Lemesós"
// get region/state code based on given name
var_dump ($state_code->get ('US', 'Alabama'));
//string(2) "AL"
// check if given country / state code combo is valid
var_dump ($state_code->isValid ('AB', 'CD'));
// check if given country / state code combo is valid
var_dump ($state_code->isValid ('RS', '03'));