A cloud-based personal digital assistant using AWS Lambda and Twilio for serverless IVR.
This is currently in "Part 1" status where Phoebe will answer the phone, record a voicemail, and send you an SMS with the voicemail.
Part 2 will be incorporating a DynamoDB contact database and forwarding callers in real-time if they make the cut!
Please see the detailed step by step instructions at www.davecollins.cloud
#Test Suite You'll need Node.js (4.6 or better) installed as well as mocha test suite
type the "mocha" command to run the test suite
✓ exports handler
✓ exports handler
event { RecordingUrl: 'https://davecollins.cloud/123.mp3',
CallerName: 'DAVE COLLINS' }
(handler) recording_url:https://davecollins.cloud/123.mp3
✓ does not crash (149ms)
✓ is a function
✓ concatenates filename
#Issues Feel free to raise an issue on Github with questions, or fork and raise a Pull Request if you'd like to make changes.
I would especially welcome any help on the mocha testing side! Would love to stub out the S3 calls and have some real tests in here
#Recommended Reading