Welcome to our ICD-10 Code Extraction Tool!
This application helps you extract data from PDF documents using a Vision model and GPT-4 Omnium. Additionally, it offers a virtual assistant to answer your questions about ICD-10 codes powered by RAG system with FAISS and Longchain.
Please note that the assistant is in beta, so the database indexed just contain a short list of conditions. Too check the list find it in the bottom of this README file
- PDF Data Extraction: Upload a PDF to extract and identify conditions in marked fields and provide the most rellevant ICD-10 code (CIE-10 in spanish).
- Image Display: View the pages of your PDF as images.
- CIE-10 Virtual Assistant: Get detailed answers to your questions about CIE-10 codes, this si beta feature, so the db is sampled to a small list of conditions.
- Configuration Settings: Selection of OpenAI model and config of GPT-4 parameters for more accurate data extraction.
Create a
file and add your open api key. -
To run the application, execute the following command in your terminal:
sh python main.py
After that you will see a ling to the Interface, the link is composed by a code ended with .gradio.live. example: [https://cb450902f541408b0a.gradio.live/]
Click the link to access to the User Interface.
To begin, upload a PDF document that you want to extract data from.
- Click on "Cargar PDF".
- Choose your PDF file.
- Select the orientation for image joining of the pdf, by default is set to horizontal.
After uploading your PDF:
Click on "Enviar" to process the PDF.
The extracted fields will appear in the "Campos Extraídos" box.
Note: The information showed above is a mockup, no real data has been used.
To view the pages of your uploaded PDF as images:
- Click on "Mostrar Imágenes".
- The images will appear in the "Páginas PDF" gallery.
Ask the virtual assistant about ICD-10 codes:
- Enter your question in the "Pregunta" box.
- Click on "Enviar".
- The answer will appear in the "Respuesta" box.
You can download the extracted data in JSON or Excel format:
- Click on "Descargar en JSON" to download a JSON file.
- Click on "Descargar en Excel" to download an Excel file.
Adjust the GPT-4 parameters to improve data extraction accuracy:
- Go to the "Configuration" tab. .
- Adjust the settings for:
- Model: The specific OpenAI model to use for data extraction.
- Temperature: Controls the creativity of the responses.
- Max Tokens: The maximum number of tokens for the response.
- Top P: Controls diversity via nucleus sampling
- Frequency Penalty: Reduces the likelihood of repeated phrases by penalizing frequent tokens.
- Presence Penalty: Forces the model to talk about new topics by penalizing tokens that have already appeared. .
- Click on "Save Settings" to apply your changes.
- Adamantinoblastoma
- Adamantinoma
- Quiste, calcificación odontogénica - huesos largos
- miembro inferior
- miembro superior
- maligno
- mandíbula (hueso)
- (parte inferior)
- superior
- tibial
- Adamantoblastoma
- Adams-Stokes (-Morgagni), enfermedad o síndrome de
- Adaptación, reacción de
- Trastorno, adaptación
- Addison, de
- Anemia (perniciosa)
- enfermedad (bronceada) o síndrome
- tuberculoso
- queloide
- Addison-Biermer, anemia (perniciosa) de
- Addisoniana, crisis
- Addison-Schilder, complejo de
- Adelgazamiento vertebral
- Espondilopatía, especificada NCOC
- Adenitis
- Linfadenitis
- aguda, localización no especificada
- axilar
- aguda
- crónica o subaguda
- Bartolino, glándula de
- cervical
- aguda
- crónica o subaguda
- chancroide (Haemophilus ducreyi)
- conducto de Wharton (supurativa)
- véase Sialoadenitis
- conducto o glándula de Skene
- véase Uretritis
- Cowper, glándula de
- véase Uretritis
- crónica, localización no especificada
- debida a Pasteurella multocida (P. septica)
- epidémica, aguda
- escrófula (tuberculosa)
- estruma, tuberculosa
- ganglio o nódulo linfático, excepto mesentérico
- aguda
- véase Linfadenitis, aguda
- crónica o subaguda
- aguda
- gangrenosa
- glándula
- bulbouretral
- véase Uretritis
- parótida (supurativa)
- véase Sialoadenitis
- salival (cualquiera) (supurativa)
- véase Sialoadenitis
- sublingual (supurativa)
- véase Sialoadenitis
- submandibular (supurativa)
- véase Sialoadenitis
- submaxilar (supurativa)
- véase Sialoadenitis
- uretral
- véase Uretritis
- gonorrea NCOC
- infecciosa (aguda) (epidémica)
- inguinal
- aguda
- crónica o subaguda
- mesentérica (aguda) (crónica) (no especificada) (subaguda)
- subaguda, localización no especificada
- tuberculosa
- véase Tuberculosis, ganglio linfático
- Adenoacantoma
- Neoplasia, maligna, por localización
- Adenoamel