Releases: Daylonz/MCCBounceEnable
Releases · Daylonz/MCCBounceEnable
Version 1.8
Version 1.7
- Fixed an issue where sometimes the winstore version of MCC couldn't be found
Version 1.6
- Fixed the UI Checkbox for Wireframe
Version 1.5
- Updated to include a wireframe toggle (Alt + W)
Version 1.4
- Fixed a bug where the program wouldn't start without a controller plugged in
- Fixed a bug where the program wouldn't pick up a controller that had been plugged in while the program was already running
- Fixed a bug where unplugging a controller while the program was running would crash the program
Version 1.3
- Updated pattern matching
- DLL files no longer required
Version 1.2
- Added hotkey support for LB + RB
Version 1.1
- Updated so pattern matching is only used when needed for quicker toggling
- Added a hotkey for quick toggling: Alt + O
Version 1.0