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Eclipse GLSP - Project Template:
🖥️ Node ● 🗂️ Custom JSON ● 🖼️ Theia

This folder contains a simple project template to get you started quickly for your diagram editor implementation based on GLSP. It provides the initial setup of the package architecture and environment for a GLSP diagram editor that uses ...

To explore alternative project templates or learn more about developing GLSP-based diagram editors, please refer to the Getting Started guide.

Project structure

This project is structured as follows:

  • glsp-client
    • tasklist-browser-app: browser client application that integrates the basic Theia plugins and the tasklist specific glsp plugins
    • tasklist-glsp: diagram client configuring the views for rendering and the user interface modules
    • tasklist-theia: glue code for integrating the editor into Theia
    • workspace: contains an example file that can be opened with this diagram editor
    • vsc-extensions/tasklist-lang: Git Submodule, fetching tasklist-lang repository with VSCode extension for TaskList Langium Language Server (with Langium Model Server 'extension')
  • glsp-server
    • src/diagram: dependency injection module of the server and diagram configuration
    • src/handler: handlers for the diagram-specific actions
    • src/model: all source model, graphical model and model state related files

The most important entry points are:


The following libraries/frameworks need to be installed on your system:

The examples are heavily interweaved with Eclipse Theia, so please also check the prerequisites of Theia.

Theia Version compatibility

This project template is compatible with Theia >=1.37.2.

VS Code workspace

To work with the source code and debug the example in VS Code a dedicated VS Code Workspace is provided. The workspace includes both the glsp-client and glsp-server sources and offers dedicated launch configurations to run and debug the example application.

To open the workspace start a VS Code instance and use the Open Workspace from File.. entry from the File menu. Then navigate to the directory containing the workspace file and open the node-json-theia.code-workspace file.

For a smooth development experience we recommend a set of useful VS Code extensions. When the workspace is first opened VS Code will ask you wether you want to install those recommended extensions. Alternatively, you can also open the Extension View (Ctrl + Shift + X) and type @recommended into the search field to see the list of Workspace Recommendations.

Building the example

The server component and the client component have to be built using yarn. A convenience script to build both is provided. To build all components execute the following in the directory containing this README:

yarn build

In addition, it is also possible to build each component individually:

# Build only the glsp-client
yarn build:client

# Build only glsp-server
yarn build:server

Building packaged VSCode extensions (tasklist-lang)

To have tasklist-lang prepackaged into Theia build, it has to be built using the following command (from vsc-extensions/tasklist-lang) directory:

npm run rebuild && npm run vscode:prepublish

❗ You don't have to package it into VSIX file (though you could, with npx vsce package command).

Running the example

To start the Theia browser application with the integrated tasklist example, navigate to the client directory

cd glsp-client

and then execute:

yarn start

This will launch the example in the browser with an embedded GLSP server on localhost:3000.

❗ You should only run Theia from Chrome browser! Firefox fails to render some features, apparently.

Debugging the project

To debug the involved components, the VS Code workspace offers launch configs, available in the Run and Debug view (Ctrl + Shift + D). They are listed in the next section.

In order to develop GLSP server component, the following running procedure has been identified as the best:

  1. Run glsp-server compilation in watch mode (yarn watch from glsp-server directory)
  2. Run both Theia backend and GLSP server using "Launch TaskList Theia backed with external GLSP Server" launch config
  3. Open localhost:3000 in Chrome browser
  4. Whenever you want to see new changes propagated to the running instance:
    1. Close GLSP client (a tab with GLSP diagrams in Theia running application)
    2. Reload GLSP server process from Call Stack panel in VSCode 🔃 icon
    3. Reload Theia client by reloading the browser tab

Launch configuration

Here you can choose between four different launch configurations:

  • Launch TaskList GLSP Server
    This config can be used to manually launch the TaskList GLSP Server node process. Breakpoints in the source files of the glsp-server directory will be picked up. In order to use this config, the Theia application backend has to be launched in External server mode (see Launch TaskList Theia Backend (External GLSP Server)).
  • Launch TaskList Theia Backend (External GLSP Server)
    This config launches the Theia browser backend application but does not start the GLSP server as embedded process. Breakpoints in the source files of the glsp-client/**/node directories will be picked up. It expects that the GLSP Server process is already running and has been started externally with the Launch TaskList GLSP Server config.
  • Launch TaskList Theia Backend (Embedded GLSP Server)
    This config launches the Theia browser backend application and will start the GLSP server as embedded process which means you won't be able to debug the GLSP Server source code. Breakpoints in the source files of the glsp-client/**/node directories will be picked up.
  • Launch TaskList Theia backed with external GLSP Server
    This is a convenience compound config that launches both the Tasklist Theia backend in external server mode and the Tasklist GLSP server process. Enables debugging of both the glsp-client and glsp-server code simultaneously.
  • Launch Theia Frontend
    Launches a Google chrome instance, opens the Theia browser application at http://localhost:3000 and will automatically open an example workspace that contains a example.tasklist file. Double-click the file in the Explorer to open it with the Tasklist Diagram Editor. Breakpoints in the source files of the glsp-client/**/browser directories will be picked up.

Next steps

Once you are up and running with this project template, we recommend to refer to the Getting Started to learn how to

More information

For more information, please visit the Eclipse GLSP Umbrella repository and the Eclipse GLSP Website. If you have questions, please raise them in the discussions and have a look at our communication and support options.