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Eclipse GLSP - Project Template:
🖥️ Node ● 🗂️ Custom JSON ● 🖼️ Theia

GLSP Client

This directory provides the initial setup of the package architecture and environment for a GLSP Client that is integrated into a Theia browser application. It is based on the TaskList example diagram language.

For more detailed instructions and information please confer to the README in the parent directory.


To build all GLSP client packages simply execute the following in the glsp-client directory:


Running the example

To start the Theia browser application with the integrated TaskList example execute:

yarn start

It's also possible to start the Theia browser application in external mode. This means the TaskList GLSP server will not be started as an embedded process and is expected to be already running. This can be used for debugging purposes, where you first start the GLSP server in debug mode and let the Theia application connect to it::

yarn start:external

Debugging the example

To debug the involved components launch configs are available in the Run and Debug view (Ctrl + Shift + D). Here you can choose between four different launch configurations:

  • Launch TaskList Theia Backend (Embedded GLSP Server)
    This config launches the Theia browser backend application and will start the GLSP server as embedded process which means you won't be able to debug the GLSP Server source code. Breakpoints in the source files of the glsp-client/**/node directories will be picked up.
  • Launch TaskList Theia Backend (External GLSP Server)
    This config launches the Theia browser backend application but does not start the GLSP server as embedded process. Breakpoints in the source files of the glsp-client/**/node directories will be picked up. It expects that the GLSP Server process is already running and has been started externally.
  • Launch Theia Frontend
    Launches a Google chrome instance, opens the Theia browser application at http://localhost:3000 and will automatically open an example workspace that contains a example.tasklist file. Double-click the file in the Explorer to open it with the TaskList Diagram Editor. Breakpoints in the source files of the glsp-client/**/browser directories will be picked up.

Watching the example

To run TypeScript in watch-mode so that TypeScript files are compiled as you modify them execute:

yarn watch

Using preconfigured tasks

Alternatively to executing these commands manually, you can also use the preconfigured VSCode tasks (via Menu Terminal > Run Task...):

  • Build TaskList GLSP Client example
  • Watch TaskList GLSP Client example
  • Start TaskList Example Theia Backend (Embedded GLSP Server)
  • Start TaskList Example Backend (External GLSP Server)

More information

For more information, please visit the Eclipse GLSP Umbrella repository and the Eclipse GLSP Website. If you have questions, please raise them in the discussions and have a look at our communication and support options.