- Express - easy to start with. Express generator will create a scaffolding of your app.
- Feathersjs - open source REST and realtime API layer
- Sequelize - introduces models and migrations but takes time to learn and understand.
- Error handling
- helmet - secure Express apps
- Beginner's guide - outdated (2015), but has several valuable insights.
- Getting started - nice tutorial in which you bundle-up everything, step by step (plus source code).
- Model configuration - this can be tricky and frustrating.
- dotenv - .env file support
- jsonwebtoken - JWT authorization toolset
- express-validator - input validation
- node-uuid - UUID generation
- bcrypt - bcrypt hasher implementation, useful for password hashing
- crypto-js - hash generation (e.g. SHA256, AES)
- nodemailer - easy-to-use mailing package
- cors - adds CORS support to Express
- ejs - simple template system
- slug - generate slugs from strings
- multer - a node.js middleware for handling multipart/form-data, which is primarily used for uploading files
- apidoc - Inline Documentation for RESTful web APIs - apiDoc creates a documentation from API annotations in your source code
- nodemon - live-reload for node.js
- Eric Elliott - he wrote a lot of valuable articles on medium.com (mainly regarding JS, but still very, very useful)
- 2FA - an article by David Walsh about two-factor authentication