First of all you need to add your own service. By default you can use the default manager which stores
the tags in the tl_cfg_tag
table and uses Contao models behind the scenes.
Note that for any manager you register you have to explicitly specify the service tags!
class: Codefog\TagsBundle\Manager\DefaultManager
- "tl_app_article"
- "tags"
- { name: codefog_tags.manager, alias: app.article }
Once the service is ready to use you can create a new field in the DCA and register it there. Make sure that you register it with the alias of the service and not the service name!
// dca/tl_app_article.php
'tags' => [
'label' => &$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_app_article']['tags'],
'exclude' => true,
'inputType' => 'cfgTags',
'eval' => [
'tagsManager' => 'app.article', // Manager, required
'tagsCreate' => false, // Allow to create tags, optional (true by default)
'tl_class' => 'clr'
Do not forget to set the source label for the tags backend module:
// languages/en/tl_cfg_tags.php
$GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_cfg_tag']['sourceRef']['app.article'] = 'Article';
Each manager takes care of loading and saving the data from the widget itself. The default manager
internally uses Haste-ManyToMany
field relation to store the data, so you need to update the datbaase
before using it.