4 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
Please consult the Upgrade notes in the documentation for specific instructions for this release, and general upgrade instructions. Below is an automatically generated list of all PRs merged since the previous release.
Changes since 2.44.2
- Generic JSON: Explicitly process tags like other tools @Maffooch (#12056)
- 🎉 fix parser anchore engine to parse new report format #11552 @manuel-sommer (#12020)
- 💄 Remove unused burp parser method @manuel-sommer (#12026)
- add aqua vulnerabilities format @kzzz1 (#12000)
- SLA Calculations 1/2: Add unit tests to capture current behaviour @valentijnscholten (#11923)
- Docs: Pin versions and add GHA for testing build failures @Maffooch (#12038)
- 💄 Remove deprecated Django import and is_safe_url @manuel-sommer (#11991)
- 🐛 fix unittest example in docs @manuel-sommer (#11992)
- dedupe command: fix NoneType on empty set of models @valentijnscholten (#11998)
- fix(helm-metrics): Flag format for promExporter changed @kiblik (#12010)
- DOCKER.md: use docker compose everywhere @valentijnscholten (#12014)
- Docs updates: 2.44.2 @paulOsinski (#11985)
🚩 Changes to settings.dist.py
/ local_settings.py
- Jira Webhook: Prevent finding group findings from being reopened @Maffooch (#12048)
- 🎉 add proofpoint vulnid @manuel-sommer (#12004)
🧰 Maintenance
- Bump @babel/helpers from 7.26.0 to 7.26.10 in /docs @dependabot[bot] (#12034)
- Bump @babel/runtime from 7.26.0 to 7.26.10 in /docs @dependabot[bot] (#12037)