🔭 I’m currently working on GANs for Architectural Floor Layout Generation
🌱 I’m currently learning Transformers, Finetuning and Quantizing LLMs, JAX
💬 Ask me about ML, DL, NLP, CV, Generative AI, Application Development, AI Integration
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📄 Know about my experiences Resume
⚡ Fun fact I am a hardcore Pokemon player
- Streamlit Application Powered by Open CV and YOLO model to Detect, Track and Analyze dribbling performance of a player from a video or a live video feed.
- Tech Stack - Streamlit, OpenCV, YOLO, Python, Roboflow, Google Colab (training YOLO).
- A chat application utilizing Zephyr-7b-beta LLM from HuggingFace and FAISS Vectorstore Database for retrival of relevant information from a given document to enable the LLM to answer queries regarding the document.
- Tech Stack - Python, HuggingFace, Streamlit, Langchain, PyPDF2.
Delhi AQI Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
- Complete code written and used for the experiments conducted for my research paper on AQI forecasting of Delhi and Gurugram, which provides a comprehensive analysis of the techniques used for forecasting how time series data is modeled for forecasting, the repository containes the code for EDA of the Kaggle AQI Dataset, Model IMplementation of basic ML models and Advanced DL models, with hyperparamete tuning, and extensive comparison of performance and adaptiveness of each model.
- Tech Stack - Python, statsmodels, scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Pytorch, Pytorch-lightning, NCPS (For Implementing Liquid Neural Networks), KerasTuner, Pandas, Numpy.
Transformer Attention Visualizer
- A project aimed at visualizing the attention mechanism in Transformer models for better understanding and interpretation of the translation process.
- Implemented from Scratch in Pytorch, a Transformer model for language translation, and attention visualization
- Users can input English sentences and observe how attention is allocated across different parts of the input and output sequences during translation, accesible through the Web App.
- Tech Stack - Python, PyTorch, Hugging Face Datasets, Tokenizers, Pandas, Streamlit, Altair.
Generative Adversarial Networks for Floor Plan Generation
- Implementations of GANs for generating useful floor plan layouts with labeled partitions and doors and exploring various architectures used in GANs for image segmentation, another research topic that I am interested in.