Merge pull request #320 from aweerts/patch-9 #579
10 warnings and 1 notice
duplicate docs found for 'Wflow.rainfall_interception_modrut' in `@docs` block in src/model_docs/vertical/
reference for 'SBM-Local-inertial-river' could not be found in src/
reference for 'SBM-Local-inertial-river' could not be found in src/
reference for 'Lateral-subsurface-flow' could not be found in src/user_guide/
reference for 'SBM-Local-inertial-river' could not be found in src/user_guide/
reference for 'River-routing' could not be found in src/model_docs/lateral/
reference for 'SBM-Local-inertial-river' could not be found in src/user_guide/
146 docstrings not included in the manual:
Wflow.set_land_inwater :: Union{Tuple{Wflow.Model{N, L, V, R, W, T}}, Tuple{T}, Tuple{W}, Tuple{R}, Tuple{V}, Tuple{L}, Tuple{N}} where {N, L, V, R, W, T<:Wflow.SbmGwfModel}
Wflow.set_land_inwater :: Tuple{Any}
Wflow.rainfall_interception_gash :: NTuple{6, Any}
Wflow.permute_data :: Tuple{Any, Any}
Wflow.threaded_foreach :: Tuple{Any, AbstractArray}
Wflow.set_effective_flowwidth! :: NTuple{8, Any}
Wflow.csv_header :: Tuple{Any, Any, Any}
Wflow.ncvar_name_modifier :: Tuple{Any}
Wflow.horizontal_conductance :: Union{Tuple{A}, Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64, A, Wflow.Connectivity}} where A<:Wflow.Aquifer
Wflow.unsatzone_flow_sbm :: NTuple{7, Any}
Wflow.get_inflow_waterbody :: Union{Tuple{Wflow.Model{N, L, V, R, W, T}}, Tuple{T}, Tuple{W}, Tuple{R}, Tuple{V}, Tuple{L}, Tuple{N}} where {N, L<:(NamedTuple{<:Any, <:Tuple{Wflow.LateralSSF, Wflow.SurfaceFlow, Any}}), V, R, W, T}
Wflow.get_inflow_waterbody :: Union{Tuple{Wflow.Model{N, L, V, R, W, T}}, Tuple{T}, Tuple{W}, Tuple{R}, Tuple{V}, Tuple{L}, Tuple{N}} where {N, L<:(NamedTuple{<:Any, <:Tuple{Wflow.LateralSSF, Wflow.ShallowWaterLand, Any}}), V, R, W, T}
Wflow.get_inflow_waterbody :: Tuple{Any}
Wflow.initialize_sediment_model :: Tuple{Wflow.Config}
Wflow.sum_at :: Tuple{Function, Any, Any}
Wflow.sum_at :: Tuple{Any, Any}
Wflow.read_dims :: Tuple{Union{CommonDataModel.CFVariable, NCDatasets.MFCFVariable}, NamedTuple}
Wflow.read_y_axis :: Tuple{Union{NCDatasets.MFDataset, NCDatasets.NCDataset}}
Wflow.detdrainwidth :: Tuple{Any, Any, Any}
Wflow.ncread :: Tuple{Any, Wflow.Config, AbstractString}
Wflow.reducer :: NTuple{7, Any}
Wflow.wetted_perimeter :: Tuple{Any, Any, Any}
Wflow.nc_dim :: Tuple{Union{NCDatasets.MFDataset, NCDatasets.NCDataset}, Any}
Wflow.accucapacitystate :: Tuple{Any, Any, Any}
Wflow.initialize_storage :: NTuple{4, Any}
Wflow.accucapacitystate! :: Tuple{Any, Any, Any}
Wflow.harmonicmean_conductance :: NTuple{5, Any}
Wflow.adjacent_nodes_at_link :: Tuple{Any}
Wflow.unsatzone_flow_layer :: NTuple{4, Any}
Wflow.equal_size_vectors :: Tuple{Any}
Wflow.update_cyclic! :: Tuple{Any}
Wflow.setup_scalar_netcdf :: Union{NTuple{7, Any}, NTuple{8, Any}}
Wflow.kin_wave! :: NTuple{9, Any}
Wflow.symbols :: Tuple{Any}
Wflow.monthday_passed :: Tuple{Any, Any}
Wflow.cftime :: Tuple{Any, Any}
Wflow.set_states :: Tuple{Any, Any, Any}
Wflow.initialize_conductance! :: Union{Tuple{A}, Tuple{A, Wflow.Connectivity}} where A<:Wflow.Aquifer
Wflow.fraction_runoff_toriver :: NTuple{5, Any}
Wflow.read_sh_csv :: Tuple{Any}
Wflow.pow :: Tuple{Any, Any}
Wflow.interpolation_indices :: Tuple{Any, AbstractVector}
Wflow.active_indices :: Tuple{AbstractMatrix, Any}
Wflow.glacier_hbv :: NTuple{8, Any}
Wflow.reverse_data! :: Tuple{Any, Any}
Wflow.detdrainlength :: Tuple{Any, Any, Any}
Wflow.adjacent_links_at_node :: Tuple{Any, Any}
Wflow.write_output :: Tuple{Any}
Wflow.filter_upsteam_nodes :: Tuple{Any, Vector{Bool}}
Wflow.get_at :: Tuple{Union{NCDatasets.MFDataset, NCDatasets.NCDataset}, AbstractString, AbstractVector{<:Dates.TimeType}, Dates.TimeType}
Wflow.connection_geometry :: NTuple{4, Any}
Wflow.graph_from_nodes :: Tuple{Any, Any, Any}
Wflow.format_message :: Tuple{IO, Any}
Wflow.initialize_sbm_model :: Tuple{Wflow.Config}
Wflow.initialize_flextopo_model :: Tuple{Wflow.Config}
Wflow.conductance :: Tuple{Wflow.UnconfinedAquifer, Any, Any, Any, String, Wflow.Connectivity}
Wflow.internal_dim_name :: Tuple{Symbol}
Wflow.write_netcdf_timestep :: Tuple{Any, Any}
Wflow.write_netcdf_timestep :: Tuple{Any, Any, Any}
Wflow.ncnames :: Tuple{Any}
Wflow._partition :: Tuple{Integer, Integer}
Wflow.timecycles :: Tuple{Any}
Wflow.flow_area :: NTuple{4, Any}
Wflow.param :: Tuple{Any, Any}
Wflow.add_vertex_edge_graph! :: Tuple{Any, Any}
invalid local link: unresolved path in
link.text =
1-element Vector{Any}:
"SBM + Local inertial river"
link.url = "@ref"
invalid local link: unresolved path in
link.text =
1-element Vector{Any}:
"SBM + Local inertial river"
link.url = "@ref"
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