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vers-w authored Nov 9, 2023
2 parents 02d76fa + 197e747 commit 99c0c92
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Showing 6 changed files with 50 additions and 31 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ Parameters = "0.12"
Polyester = "0.7"
ProgressLogging = "0.1"
StaticArrays = "0.12, 1.0"
Statistics = "1"
TOML = "1.0"
TerminalLoggers = "0.1.5"
UnPack = "1"
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
parameter `ksathorfrac` and fix description of adding external `inflow` to the kinematic

### Changed
- For cyclic parameters different cyclic time inputs are supported (only one common cyclic
time (for example daily or monthly) was allowed).

## v0.7.2 - 2023-09-27

### Fixed
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11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions docs/src/user_guide/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,10 +113,13 @@ The `input` section of the TOML file contains information about the input forcin
parameters files (netCDF format). Forcing is applied to the vertical component of the model,
and needs to be mapped to the external netCDF variable name. `forcing` lists the internal
model forcing parameters, and these are mapped to the external netCDF variables listed under
the section `[input.vertical]`. It is possible to provide cyclic parameters to the model. In
the example below this is done for the internal `vertical.leaf_area_index` model parameter,
that is linked to the external netCDF variable "LAI" variable. If a model parameter is not
mapped, a default value will be used if available.
the section `[input.vertical]`. It is possible to provide cyclic parameters to the model
(minimum time step of 1 day). In the example below this is done for the internal
`vertical.leaf_area_index` model parameter, that is linked to the external netCDF variable
"LAI" variable. Cyclic time inputs of parameters can be different (for example daily and
monthly). The `time` dimension name of these cylic input parameters in the model parameter
netCDF file should start with "time". If a model parameter is not mapped, a default value
will be used if available.

Expand Down
57 changes: 33 additions & 24 deletions src/io.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -338,13 +338,14 @@ function update_cyclic!(model)
month_day = monthday(clock.time - clock.Δt)

is_first_timestep = clock.iteration == 1
if is_first_timestep || (month_day in cyclic_times)
# time for an update of the cyclic forcing
i = findlast(t -> monthday_passed(month_day, t), cyclic_times)
isnothing(i) && error("Could not find applicable cyclic timestep for $month_day")

# load from NetCDF into the model according to the mapping
for (par, ncvar) in cyclic_parameters
for (par, ncvar) in cyclic_parameters
if is_first_timestep || (month_day in cyclic_times[par])
# time for an update of the cyclic forcing
i = findlast(t -> monthday_passed(month_day, t), cyclic_times[par])
isnothing(i) &&
error("Could not find applicable cyclic timestep for $month_day")
# load from NetCDF into the model according to the mapping
data = get_at(cyclic_dataset,, i)
param_vector = param(model, par)
sel = active_indices(network, par)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -623,7 +624,7 @@ struct NCReader{T}
Expand All @@ -638,7 +639,7 @@ struct Writer
state_dataset::Union{NCDataset,Nothing} # dataset with model states (NetCDF)
state_parameters::Dict{String,Any} # mapping of NetCDF variable names to model states (arrays)
state_nc_path::Union{String,Nothing} # path NetCDF file with states
dataset_scalar::Union{NCDataset,Nothing} # dataset(NetCDF) for scalar data
dataset_scalar::Union{NCDataset,Nothing} # dataset (NetCDF) for scalar data
nc_scalar::Vector # model parameter (arrays) and associated reducer function for NetCDF scalar output
ncvars_dims::Vector # model parameter (String) and associated NetCDF variable, location dimension and location name for scalar data
nc_scalar_path::Union{String,Nothing} # path NetCDF file (scalar data)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -693,17 +694,6 @@ function prepare_reader(config)
# check for cyclic parameters
do_cyclic = haskey(config.input, "cyclic")

# TODO:include leaf_area_index climatology in update() vertical SBM model
# we currently assume the same dimension ordering as the forcing
if do_cyclic == true
cyclic_dataset = NCDataset(cyclic_path)
cyclic_nc_times = collect(cyclic_dataset["time"])
cyclic_times = timecycles(cyclic_nc_times)
cyclic_dataset = nothing
cyclic_times = Tuple{Int,Int}[]

# create map from internal location to NetCDF variable name for forcing parameters
forcing_parameters = Dict{Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}},NamedTuple}()
for par in config.input.forcing
Expand All @@ -715,19 +705,30 @@ function prepare_reader(config)
@info "Set `$par` using NetCDF variable `$ncname` as forcing parameter."

# create map from internal location to NetCDF variable name for cyclic parameters
# create map from internal location to NetCDF variable name for cyclic parameters and
# store cyclic times for each internal location (duplicate cyclic times are possible
# this way, however it seems not worth to keep track of unique cyclic times for now
# (memory usage))
if do_cyclic == true
cyclic_dataset = NCDataset(cyclic_path)
cyclic_parameters = Dict{Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}},NamedTuple}()
cyclic_times = Dict{Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}},Vector{Tuple{Int,Int}}}()
for par in config.input.cyclic
fields = symbols(par)
ncname, mod = ncvar_name_modifier(param(config.input, fields))
i = findfirst(x -> startswith(x, "time"), dimnames(cyclic_dataset[ncname]))
dimname = dimnames(cyclic_dataset[ncname])[i]
cyclic_nc_times = collect(cyclic_dataset[dimname])
cyclic_times[fields] = timecycles(cyclic_nc_times)
cyclic_parameters[fields] =
(name = ncname, scale = mod.scale, offset = mod.offset)

@info "Set `$par` using NetCDF variable `$ncname` as cyclic parameter."
@info "Set `$par` using NetCDF variable `$ncname` as cyclic parameter, with `$(length(cyclic_nc_times))` timesteps."
cyclic_parameters = Dict{Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}},NamedTuple}()
cyclic_dataset = nothing
cyclic_times = Dict{Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}},Vector{Tuple{Int,Int}}}()

# check if there is overlap
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1144,7 +1145,7 @@ Given a vector of times, return a tuple of (month, day) for each time entry, to
cyclic time series that repeats every year. By using `monthday` rather than `dayofyear`,
leap year offsets are avoided.
It can generate such a series from eiher TimeTypes given that the year is constant, or
It can generate such a series from either TimeTypes given that the year is constant, or
it will interpret integers as either months or days of year if possible.
function timecycles(times)
Expand All @@ -1154,8 +1155,14 @@ function timecycles(times)
if !all(==(year1), year.(times))
error("unsupported cyclic timeseries")
# returns a (month, day) tuple for each date
return monthday.(times)
# sub-daily time steps are not allowed
min_tstep = Second(minimum(diff(times)))
if min_tstep < Second(Day(1))
error("unsupported cyclic timeseries")
# returns a (month, day) tuple for each date
return monthday.(times)
elseif eltype(times) <: Integer
if length(times) == 12
months = Date(2000, 1, 1):Month(1):Date(2000, 12, 31)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1432,6 +1439,8 @@ function internal_dim_name(name::Symbol)
return :y
elseif name in (:time, :layer, :flood_depth, :classes)
return name
elseif startswith(string(name), "time")
return :time
error("Unknown dimension $name")
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/reservoir_lake.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -376,14 +376,16 @@ function initialize_lake(config, nc, inds_riv, nriv, pits, Δt)
if lake_storfunc[i] == 2
csv_path = joinpath(path, "lake_sh_$lakeloc.csv")
"read a storage curve from CSV file $csv_path, for lake location $lakeloc"
"Read a storage curve from CSV file `$csv_path`, for lake location `$lakeloc`"
sh[i] = read_sh_csv(csv_path)

if lake_outflowfunc[i] == 1
csv_path = joinpath(path, "lake_hq_$lakeloc.csv")
@info("read a rating curve from CSV file $csv_path, for lake location $lakeloc")
"Read a rating curve from CSV file `$csv_path`, for lake location `$lakeloc`"
hq[i] = read_hq_csv(csv_path)

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ end

staticmaps_rhine_path = testdata(v"0.1", "", "")
staticmaps_moselle_path =
testdata(v"0.2.8", "", "")
testdata(v"0.2.9", "", "")
staticmaps_lahn_path = testdata(v"0.2.1", "", "")
staticmaps_meuse_path =
testdata(v"0.2.8", "", "")
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