This package is forked from Nayjest/Grids and is wrapper for the package, does not support (laravel < 5) and used bootstrap 4 by default.
- Laravel >= 5+
- php >= 7.1
- bootstrap 4
- fontawesome 5
composer require thenandan/grids
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public
php artisan make:grid CompanyGrid
This will generate the CompanyGrid class as below -
namespace App\Grids;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use TheNandan\Grids\BaseGrid;
class CompanyGrid extends BaseGrid
* Set root model for the grid query
* @return Model
protected function setModel(): Model
// return new model instance
* Configure your grid
* @return void
protected function configureGrid(): void
// Configure your grid column
Now we are going to configure our grid as below -
namespace App\Grids;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use TheNandan\Grids\BaseGrid;
class CompanyGrid extends BaseGrid
* Set root model for the grid query
* @return Model
protected function setModel(): Model
return new Company();
* Configure your grid
* @return void
protected function configureGrid(): void
$this->grid->addColumn('id', 'Id')->setSortable();
$this->grid->addColumn('unique_id', 'Unique ID')->setSortable()->setSearchFilter();
$this->grid->addColumn('name', 'Company Name')->setSortable()->setSearchFilter();
$this->grid->addColumn('created_at', 'Added On')->setCallback(function ($createdAt) {
if (null === $createdAt || !$createdAt instanceof Carbon) {
return '-';
return Carbon::createFromTimestamp($createdAt->timestamp)->isoFormat('LLLL');
$this->grid->addColumn('edit_client', 'Edit')->setCallback(function ($val, $row) {
return "<a href='#'><i class='fas fa-edit'></i></a>";
$this->grid->addColumn('delete_client', 'Delete')->setCallback(function ($val, $row) {
return "<a href='#' class='text-danger'><i class='fas fa-trash'></i></a>";
That's all, our grid is configured.
Create a blade(view) file (ex. company.blade.php) and include the grid in it. see below example -
Make you to add the below in your main layout -
- In you header -
- Before closing the body tag -
Now create you route and return the company view. You will see a grid something similar to following.
- setGridName($name) - Set the name of the grid
- setDefaultPageSize($number) - Set the default page size.
- setCachingTime($timeInMinute) - Set the caching time in minute.
- addColumn($column, $label = false, $relation = false) - Add a new column in grid.
- setRecordsPerPage(array $recordsPerPage) - Set records perPage dropdown list.
- setSortable() - When used column becomes sortable
- setCallback($function) - Can be used to customize the value of the cell
- shorten(int $noOfChar = 20) - Can be used to limit the no. of character in the grid cell, When used below methods become available
- setTitle() - Set the cell original value in html title attribute
- setToolTip($isHtml = false) - Set the cell original value in tooltip
- setPopover($isHtml = false, $title = null) - Set the cell original value in a popover, Here $title variable can be used to set the title of popover
- setLink($link, $name) - Can be used to set a link
- setSearchFilter($operator = TheNandanGrid::OPERATOR_LIKE) - Can be used to make the column searchable
- More methods are coming soon -
© 2020—2020 Keshari Nandan
License: Proprietary