task/WP-637: Disable trash for VM or HPC file listings #3097
6 warnings
Run npx nx affected --target=lint --parallel=3:
React Hook useEffect has missing dependencies: 'eventLogModalParams.step' and 'eventLogModalParams.user'. Either include them or remove the dependency array. You can also replace multiple useState variables with useReducer if 'setEventLogModalParams' needs the current value of 'eventLogModalParams.user'
Run npx nx affected --target=lint --parallel=3:
React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'processSetupEvent'. Either include it or remove the dependency array
Run npx nx affected --target=lint --parallel=3:
Expected '!==' and instead saw '!='
Run npx nx affected --target=lint --parallel=3:
React Hook useMemo has a missing dependency: 'showProtectedDataOptions'. Either include it or remove the dependency array
Run npx nx affected --target=lint --parallel=3:
The href attribute is required for an anchor to be keyboard accessible. Provide a valid, navigable address as the href value. If you cannot provide an href, but still need the element to resemble a link, use a button and change it with appropriate styles. Learn more: https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/blob/HEAD/docs/rules/anchor-is-valid.md
Run npx nx affected --target=lint --parallel=3:
The href attribute is required for an anchor to be keyboard accessible. Provide a valid, navigable address as the href value. If you cannot provide an href, but still need the element to resemble a link, use a button and change it with appropriate styles. Learn more: https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y/blob/HEAD/docs/rules/anchor-is-valid.md