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Bring-Your-Own-Car Sample-App from Mercedes-Benz /developers


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The BRING-YOUR-OWN-CAR (BYOCAR) Sample App is a simple web application that consists of a UI and corresponding backend for frontend application that interacts with Mercedes-Benz APIs. The purpose of this sample is to portray how you as a developers can integrate public Mercedes-Benz APIs into your application. BYOCAR is an initiative from Mercedes-Benz /developers.

Use Case

The sample app is intended to showcase the usage of the public APIs with different authentication mechanisms - OAuth and API key. Therefore, a simple use case was selected that the developers can focus on the integration of the APIs.

The use case itself is showing images, the electric or fuel status for a Mercedes-Benz car of a logged-in Mercedes me user.

The app provides a user login where the Mercedes me credentials have to be used. After a successful login, a dashboard is shown where the logged-in user can enter the VIN of the related Mercedes me identity.

Home Screen

If the VIN is valid, the app will request the data of your Mercedes-Benz at some public APIs (Electric Vehicle Status, Fuel Status, and Vehicle Images) and show it to the user:

  • images of the car

  • the electric or fuel status of the car (or both if it is a hybrid car)

Status Dashboard

BYOCAR - Bring-Your-Own-Car Initiative

The Bring-Your-Own-Car API collection is a subset of Mercedes-Benz APIs which provides API subscriptions to test and develop your apps in a real environment and with real data. The BYOCAR APIs are free to use and limited to extract data from your own Mercedes-Benz car only. This variant is intended for developing your private ideas, not for real business.

Check out more BYOCAR details in our Developer Portal.

See how the openHAB community uses our connected car APIs for smart home integration.

Precondition for BYOCAR

  • your own Mercedes-Benz must be linked to your Mercedes me ID

  • you need to register in the Mercedes-Benz /developers portal with the same ID

Once you have created a project and subscribed to APIs, you find everything you need to explore your vehicle’s data through our APIs.

BYOCAR Public Postman Collection

Mercedes-Benz provides a public postman collection that contains all the APIs belonging to BYOCAR:

You can use all the requests from the collections to access data associated with your own car. The requests are prepared with a set of general variables that are used across APIs.

To get started, fork the collection ``BYOCAR - Bring your own car'' to your own postman workspace.

With that, you are almost ready to start using the BYOCAR APIs.


The following diagram shows an overview of all involved components for the sample app, including used APIs and the authentication provider:

Component Overview

Sample App UI

The Sample App UI is the entry point from the end-user’s perspective.

After entering the VIN (vehicle identification number) of her car, the user is redirected to the Mercedes me login page for authentication and to authorize the application to access vehicle-related data.

Once logged in, the Sample App will show an individually rendered image and vehicle status information. The required dashboard data is retrieved from the Sample App Backend application.

The Sample App UI is implemented using Vue.js.

Sample App Backend

The Sample App Backend application acts as ``backend for frontend'' and interacts with the Mercedes-Benz APIs in order to fetch and aggregate the data that is needed to display the vehicle status information and image in the UI.

It acquires a JWT (JSON Web Token) access token from Mercedes-Benz’s identity provider and auth server that is used in requests to APIs that use OAuth authentication (BYOCAR APIs):

The access token is only used in the backend application, i.e., it must not be sent to the frontend running in the web browser.

Besides the BYOCAR APIs, the application also integrates the Vehicle Images API that uses API key authorization.

The Sample App Backend is implemented as a Node.js server using Express. It exposes an HTTP/REST API to provide the aggregated dashboard data to the frontend.


CIAM (Customer Identity and Access Management) is a Mercedes-Benz identity provider and authorization server. It authorizes both users and client applications using the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code grant.

Mercedes-Benz APIs

Vehicle Images

The Vehicle Images API lets you easily illustrate the virtual copy of a specific car by the use of its unique vehicle identification number. The API provides representations of an exact virtual copy of the car, i.e., exact vehicle colors, interior and exterior view, multiple perspectives, and day and night atmosphere.

Bring Your Own Car APIs

Electric Vehicle Status

The Electric Vehicle Status API enables you to remotely check the battery charge and remaining range of a specific electric vehicle that is identified by its VIN.

Fuel Status

The Fuel Status API provides remote access to the fuel level and the remaining vehicle range of a connected vehicle by VIN.

API Authentication

The Mercedes-Benz APIs are secured using different authentication mechanisms depending on the type of data they provide. APIs which provide user-related data are secured using OAuth 2.0 with either authorization code flow or client credentials flow, while the APIs that do not provide any personal user data can be easily authenticated using your secret API key. The OAuth flows within Mercedes-Benz are described in the Mercedes-Benz portal.

For our Sample App, the Electric Vehicle Status API and Fuel Status API provide vehicle-related data, i.e., data that is related to the caller’s vehicle. Hence, these APIs require OAuth authentication via the authorization code flow.

Requests to the Vehicle Images API that provides generated images can be authenticated using your secret API key.

Authorization Code Flow Authentication

To initiate this flow the Sample App UI redirects the end user’s browser to the authorization endpoint of the identity provider. This will provide a login screen to the end user for authentication.

Example Authorization Request: \
  ?response_type=code \
  &client_id=<insert_your_client_id_here> \
  &redirect_uri=<insert_redirect_uri_here> \
  &scope=<insert_scopes_of_API_here> \

The URL uses the following parameters:

Parameter Description Value for the Sample App


Request an authorization code as the result of the end user authorization process.



Provide the client ID of your application or project from the Console in the Mercedes-Benz /developers Portal.

your client ID


This is the callback URL that is registered for you application in order to receive the authorization code (as configured for your project in the Console in the Mercedes-Benz /developers Portal).



Include the scopes for the API, which are the permissions to request the end user’s consent to access the related data. For each API, you can find the required scopes in the corresponding API reference.

mb:vehicle:mbdata:fuelstatus mb:vehicle:mbdata:evstatus offline_access


An opaque value used by the client to maintain state between the request and callback. The authorization server includes this value when redirecting the user-agent back to the client. The parameter SHOULD be used for preventing cross-site request forgery.

your state value

The end user will have to authenticate using her credentials on Mercedes-Benz login page and give consent for the sample application to access her data.

The Authorization Server then redirects the end user with an authorization code to the redirect URL included in the authorization request.

Example Redirect URL:


The Sample App UI extracts the code parameter from the URL and passes it to the Sample App backend.

The Sample App Backend then can exchange this authorization code with an access token from the the Authorization Server.

Example Token Request:

curl --request POST '' \
  --header 'Authorization: Basic <insert_your_base64_encoded_client_id_and_client_secret_here>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --data 'grant_type=authorization_code&code=<insert_authentication_code_here>&redirect_uri=<insert_redirect_uri_here>'

The token request from the Sample App backend uses HTTP Basic authentication for the request to the authorization server. Your application’s/project’s client ID and client secret from the Console in the Mercedes-Benz /developers Portal. The credentials are included in the Authorization header as base64-encoded string:

Authorization: Basic base64(<client_id>:><client-secret>)

The grant_type=authorization_code' indicates the token endpoint to use the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow for this request.

The server responds with an access token response that includes a Bearer token which can be used in requests to the Electric Vehicle Status and Fuel Status APIs as follows:

curl --request GET '<inser_your_vin_here>/resources/rangeelectric' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <insert_your_access_token_here>'

API Key Authentication

The Vehicle Images API can be easily authenticated using your API key as follows:

curl --request GET '<insert_your_vin_here>?roofOpen=false&night=false&background=false&cropped=false&jpeg=false&apikey=<insert_your_api_key_here>' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json'

Project Structure

This monorepo contains two packages:

Directory Description


Vue.js frontend application


Node.js Express backend application



To work with the sample from this repository, you will need to have the following tools installed:

  • Git (MacOS and Linux machines typically have this already installed)

  • Node.js and the NPM package manager (included in the installation)

API Subscription

Before you start with using the sample app for your Mercedes-Benz you have to follow some subscription steps to ensure the app can be properly used. Your Mercedes-Benz must be linked to your Mercedes me ID, and you need to be registered in the Mercedes-Benz /developers Portal with the same ID, and then subscribe to the APIs you will need for the sample app:

  1. Log in to the Mercedes-Benz /developers Portal with your Mercedes me ID that is connected to your vehicle.

  2. Create/add a new app in your console in order to receive an App ID for the sample app.

  3. Choose the vehicle data related API product you would like to integrate and click the “get access” button. Starting from your console click the "add project" button instead.

  4. In the subsequent subscription process, select the „BRING YOUR OWN CAR“ option to use the Electric Vehicle Status and Fuel Status APIs for your show case of the sample app and your vehicle for free.

  5. Additionally, select the Vehicle Images API as tryout variant (for free) for the sample app and your vehicle in the subscription process.

Note that the BYOCAR APIs are secured using the OAuth Authorization Code flow, and scopes are required to access an API. The Vehicle Images API is secured by an API key. The credentials for all APIs will be shared once in the console of the Developer Portal after finishing the subscription process.

Also see the documentation for developers in the Mercedes-Benz /developers Portal for further information.

Project Setup

The following script will install the required dependencies for both packages.

npm install
npm run bootstrap

Test Execution

You can use lerna to run all tests together, for both the frontend and the backend part. Execute the following command from the root of the repository:

npm run test

If you prefer to run the tests for the components individually, change to the corresponding directory and run the same command:


cd packages/ui && npm run test


cd packages/backend && npm run test


Before you can run the application, the API credentials acquired earlier need to be configured. You can either set environment variables, or update configuration files for backend and frontend.

Environment Variables

Modify the below command to match your credentials and run it:


Configuration Files

If you prefer configuration files rather than configuration via environment variables, replace the placeholders and set your credentials in these configuration files:

Tryout Mode

If you do not have API subscriptions yet, you can also run the application in tryout mode. For that, set the following environment variable in addition to those mentioned above:

export USE_TRYOUT=true

Alternatively, you can also update the configuration in the backend configuration file.

In tryout mode, obtaining an access token from the authorization server will not work but also is not needed. Instead, the application will use hard-coded tryout credentials that you can also find in the Mercedes-Benz /developers Portal.

The tryouts of the different APIs work with different vehicle IDs (VINs). Therefore, it is not possible to retrieve both vehicle data (fuel status and electric vehicle status) and vehicle images for the same VIN. You can use the tryout VINs listed in the portal specification section (also included in the oas yaml files).

Run the Application

The following script will run the packages on localhost:

npm run start

The applications will be available on these ports/via these base URLs:

Application Base URL






We welcome any contributions. If you want to contribute to this project, please read the contributing guide.

Code of Conduct

Please read our Code of Conduct as it is our base for interaction.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

Provider Information

Please visit for information on the provider.

Notice: Before you use the program in productive use, please take all necessary precautions, e.g. testing and verifying the program with regard to your specific use. The program was tested solely for our own use cases, which might differ from yours.


Bring-Your-Own-Car Sample-App from Mercedes-Benz /developers



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