Welcome to the repository for my personal portfolio website! This project showcases my technical skills, projects, and expertise in software engineering. Visit the live site here: Jawher Kl Portfolio
- Professional Design: A sleek and modern design to represent my personal brand.
- Responsive Layout: Optimized for all devices, including mobile, tablet, and desktop.
- Project Showcase: Highlights my key projects with links to their repositories.
- Technical Skills: Displays my expertise in various programming languages and technologies.
- Contact Section: Easy-to-use contact form and links to social media profiles.
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Styling: Bootstrap, custom CSS
- Hosting: GitHub Pages
├── assets/ # Images, CSS, and JavaScript files
│ ├── css/ # Custom and library stylesheets
│ ├── js/ # Custom JavaScript functionality
│ ├── img/ # Images and icons used in the site
├── index.html # Main landing page
├── projects.html # Projects showcase page
├── about.html # About me page
├── contact.html # Contact form and details
└── README.md # Repository documentation (you are here!)
To run the project locally:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/JawherKl/jawherkl.github.io.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd jawherkl.github.io
in your browser to view the site locally.
The portfolio is hosted using GitHub Pages. Any changes pushed to the main
branch will be reflected automatically.
- Add animations for a more interactive user experience.
- Integrate a blog section to share technical articles.
- Implement multilingual support for global accessibility.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.
Feel free to contribute by opening issues or submitting pull requests. Feedback is always welcome! 🎉