A whatsapp bot powered by OpenAI's DALL-E AI model. Also uses two external APIs.
- https://api.quotable.io/random for generating random motivational quotes.
- https://api.dictionaryapi.dev/api/v2/entries/en/word for getting definitions, synonyms, antonyms, phonetics etc...
- Git clone
- npm install
a. Generate images
To generate an images, describe a scene and precede it with a #
#a roaring lion
b. Get word definition
To get the defintion of a word, precede it with @
c. Get text phonetics
To know the text phonetics of a word, precede it with &
d. Get audio phonetic
To get the audio phonetic of a word, precede it with |
e. Get Synonyms
To get the synonyms of a word, precede it with =
f. Get anthonym
To fet the antonyms of a word, precede it with -
g. Get motivatioal Quote
To get a motivational quote, send ! only