Current Progress:
arrow keys work
HOME, END work
enter works
backspace works
save works
pageup, pagedown work
search, replace work
copy-paste and cut-paste work
Text can now change color
Open, Read, Write text file
Runs in Terminal
Accepts Command Line Arguments
Use of Curser Keys to Navigate
Home and End
Find and Replace
Pageup and Pagedown
Cut-Paste and Copy-Paste
Devtext is a Text editor made with NCURSES library for Terminal UI.
It uses Linked list of lines as buffer to store the document line by line.
The data structure is called as "buffer", which contains another structure "line".
Declaring many buffers in the same program is possible (possibly for editing two text files at the same time).
buffer.c contains all the functions necessary for using buffer data structure.
gui_ncs.c contains a few Terminal UI functions for rendering the screen.
NCURSES does not support scrolling with default provided WINDOW data structure(at least not in the modern sense).
so a workaround has been used (loadwin function).
The current maximum line width is 180 characters, It can be changed in buffer.h (a constant has been defined in it).
Window resizing is not supported by NCURSES, thus it is not possible to implement.
Developed by Devashish Gaikwad : COEP IT : 111608023