Official Devless Ruby SDK
Refer to for a detailed documentation.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install DV_RUBY_SDK
If you are using rails you may create a new file called devless.rb in the config/initializers folder and set it up with your credentials this way
DVRUBYSDK.token = "52babb518f716ea9014baeb42926b9f9"
DVRUBYSDK.url = ""
For a normal Ruby script just follow this procedure
require "DV_RUBY_SDK"
DVRUBYSDK.token = "52babb518f716ea9014baeb42926b9f9"
DVRUBYSDK.url = ""
@devless =
data = {:name => "Tsatsu"}
results = @devless.add_data("service_name", "service_table", data)
puts results
results = @devless.query_data("service_name", "service_table")
puts results
determine the number of results to return
results = @devless.size(3).query_data("service_name", "service_table")
puts results
Set step in data data to be sent back
NB: This is to be used in combination with size
results = @devless.offset(2).size(6).query_data("service_name", "service_table")
puts results
Get data based where a key matches a certain value
results = @devless.where("name", "Tsatsu").query_data("service_name", "service_table")
puts results
Order incoming results in descending order based on a key
results = @devless.orderBy("name").query_data("service_name", "service_table")
puts results
data = {:name => "Edwin"}
results = @devless.where("id", 1).update_data("service_name", "service_table", data)
puts results
results = @devless.where("id", 1).delete_data("service_name", "service_table")
puts results
results = @devless.method_call("service_name", "method_name", {})
puts results
Authentication! DevLess comes with authentication baked in. You can access the authentication methods using the DevLess SDK
NB: The five methods below require a user token to be set on the header for successful communicatiion with the DevLess backend😎
results = @devless.method_call("devless", "login", {:email => "", :password => "password"})
user_token = JSON.parse(results)['payload']['result']['token']
Options available are 'username', 'email' & 'phone_number'.
results = @devless.method_call("devless", "signUp", {
:email => "",
:password => "password",
:username => "ironman",
:phone_number => "+233245632353",
:first_name => "Tony",
:last_name => "Stark",
user_token = JSON.parse(results)['payload']['result']['token']
Options available to set the status & role of accounts.
results = @devless.method_call("devless", "updateProfile", {
:email => "",
:password => "dontangryme",
:username => "hulk",
:phone_number => "+233204432432",
:first_name => "Bruce",
:last_name => "Banner",
puts results
results = @devless.method_call("devless", "profile", {})
puts results
results = @devless.method_call("devless", "logout", {})
puts results
Create a rails app from your terminal and name it anything I will call mine "devless"
$ rails new devless
Navigate into the folder from terminal and run bundle
$ bundle
Add The 'DV_RUBY_SDK' gem by going into your gem file and pasting this code
Go back to your console and run bundle install
$ bundle install
Create a controller with an action in my case I will create a controller called devless with an index action. This is how I will do it.
$ rails g controller devless index
Navigate to your config folder in the root and look for a folder called initializers. Create a file called devless.rb to configure devless. This the src config/initializers/devless.rb. You will need a token and a url to configure
You will see your {token} and the app {url} in the app section of the devless app you created on hosted on heroku. Click on the app tab and on your left and just scroll down on your right you will see the token copy it.
In my case my token is "7740b4b2303e32957a3215c344b8c21c" and my url is "" so since i have these can configure.
DVRUBYSDK.token = "7740b4b2303e32957a3215c344b8c21c"
DVRUBYSDK.url = ""
Navigate to app/controller and let's write some logic in the controller we created so we can post and query data on our devless backend. Copy and paste this code in the index action of your controller or you can also paste it in any action in your controller. Please read the comments to see what you have to do to customize it well.
#create an instance of the devless class and assign it to a varibale.
# I will call mine *@devless* but you could call yours anything.
@devless =
#At this stage we can query data, post data, patch and do what ever we want to our table from here
#Lets first query data
service_name = "names"
table_name = "eit_names"
@query_response = @devless.query_data(service_name, table_name)
#lets post data to that same table called "eit_names" which require one field ie "name"
@data_we_want_to_post = {name: "Charles"}
@post_data_response = devless.add_data(service_name, table_name, data_we_want_to_post)
Access your data from the view or wherever you want to use it. So lets go to our view for the controller ie views/devless/index.html.erb in our case and paste this code and that is it!! Easy!
<%= @query_response %>
<%= @post_data_response %>
This is It you can do whatever you want with it read more methods in the sdk documentation. It is super easy, fast and efficient. Tell your friends about devless.
If you already have this just download this project from the eamples folder and run bundle install on your local change the config/initializers/devless.rb and start using it. happy coding!!. Welcome to Devless
step One Run gem install DV_RUBY_SDK
step two create a .rb file and call it anything. I have called mine devless.rb in this instance
We want to do a simple post and query from one of the tables in my service on my devless
panel(the one I am hosting on heroku)
The service name is called "names" and under this service I have a table called eit_names
with one field called "name" which is a string
service name = "names"
table_name = "eit_names"
let's do this!
#require the gem
require "DV_RUBY_SDK"
set it up with your credentials. you will need these two credentials {token}
token can be found in the app tab on your devless panel where you created your services
copy the token.
my token = "7740b4b2303e32957a3215c344b8c21c"
You will also need the {url} ie the url of the devless app you created
(in my case the one I created and hosted on heroku)
my_app_url = ""
If you have these two you can set up
set it up this way
my_token = "7740b4b2303e32957a3215c344b8c21c"
my_app_url = ""
DVRUBYSDK.token = my_token
DVRUBYSDK.url = my_app_url
#create an intance of the devless class and assign it to a varibale.
# I will call mine *devless* you could call yours anything.
devless =
#at this stage we can query data, post data, patch and do what ever we want to our table from here
#lets first query data
service_name = "names"
table_name = "eit_names"
query_response = devless.query_data(service_name, table_name)
puts query_response
#lets post data to that same table called "eit_names" which require one field ie "name"
data_we_want_to_post = {name: "Charles"}
post_data_response = devless.add_data(service_name, table_name, data_we_want_to_post)
puts post_data_response
Run it by pressing command b on your sublime if youre on a mac or run the script in your terminal if otherwise.
You should see data returned without any errors and when you check back in your table
you will see a new entry in your database.
Thats how fast, poowerful; and easy devless has made things
Tell your friends about devless. Thanks
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.