A wrapper of Flask with pre-configured OIDC support. Ideal for microservices architecture, each request will be authenticated using Flask's before_request
middleware. Necassary endpoints can be whitelisted using an environment variable FLASK_OIDC_WHITELISTED_ENDPOINTS
After simply installing the flaskoidc you can simply use it like below:
from flaskoidc import FlaskOIDC
app = FlaskOIDC(__name__)
Please make sure to extend your configurations from BaseConfig
from flaskoidc import FlaskOIDC
from flaskoidc.config import BaseConfig
# Custom configuration class, a subclass of DAPConfig
DEBUG = True
app = FlaskOIDC(__name__)
Following environment variables along with their default values are available and must be set based on the settings.
# Flask `SECRET_KEY` config value
FLASK_OIDC_SECRET_KEY: 'base-flask-oidc-secret-key'
# Comma separated string of URLs which should be exposed without authentication, else all request will be authenticated.
FLASK_OIDC_WHITELISTED_ENDPOINTS: "status,healthcheck,health"
# Path of your configuration file. (default value assumes you have a `config/client_secrets.json` available.
FLASK_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRETS: 'config/client_secrets.json'
# Details about this below in the "Session Management" section.
This extension uses SQLAlchemy to hold the sessions of the users. Flask OIDC saves the sessions in memory by default
which is very vulnerable. This adds the support of custom session store.
By default the path of database is sqlite:///sessions.db
and can be configured using the environment variable FLASK_OIDC_SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI
- Add exmaple application
- Configurable token validation (local vs server side on each request)
- Token Refresh
- Add logging