TrackX24/7 is a blockchain based decentralized application(DApp) for supplychain management of dual-use drugs from manfacturer to end-ser.
- node.js
- truffle
- ganache
- web3
- solidity
- Firebase
- Node.js- to check if you have already installed node in your system run the command, node -v (Version v14.16.1)
- Ganache Personal Blockchain(version)
- Truffle Framework(version v5.3.0)
- Install Metamask as Chrome extension
To run this on your local system, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository.
- Install all the dependencies.
npm install
npm install web3
npm install -g truffle
npm install -g truffle contracts
npm install lite server --save
Open Ganache and connect metamask
Run the following command:
run dev
You're all set! Head to localhost:7545 or on your browser to check out 'TrackX24/7'.
- Start new terminal tab and start compiling contract codes
truffle compile
- Test contract using truffle
truffle test
3.If you want to test it using front end migrate contract to ganache local network and make sure you copy some addresses to MetaTask. hence, deployer will has all the roles and he is the only one can approve or give regulator role to another address.
truffle migrate --reset
- Locate to Frontend project and start development
cd frontend_project_name && run dev
- Solidity - Ethereum's smart contract programming language
- web3.js - Javascript library used to interact with the Ethereum blockchain