Welcome to the No-Code ML Model Building Platform! This platform enables users to perform data cleaning, transformation, visualization, and machine learning model building without writing any code. Link - NoCodeML
- Upload your dataset in CSV format.
- View and explore the data directly in the app.
Handle missing values:
Replace values in columns.
Change column data types.
Detect and remove outliers using:
- Interquartile Range (IQR)
- Z-Score
Download Cleaned Data as CSV:
Unique Values: Explore unique values for selected columns.
EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis):
Feature Importance:
Drop irrelevant columns.
Split data into train and test sets.
Normalize numerical data and encode categorical data using:
Handle class imbalance (coming soon).
Perform dimensionality reduction (coming soon).
Model Training:
Model Testing:
- Take notes directly in the app.
- Download cleaned data, transformed data, models, and notes.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Dhruv-Limbani/NoCodeML.git
Install the required Python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the app:
streamlit run app.py
Open the app in your browser and upload your data to get started.