This repository contains the codes used in the study: "When less is more: robot swarms adapt better to changes with constrained communication" by Mohamed S. Talamali, Arindam Saha, James A. R. Marshall, and Andreagiovanni Reina (the University of Sheffield).
The code is organised as follows:
- ARK_Codes: code to run the real robot experiments with ARK (the system for Augmented Reality for Kilobots)
- ARGoS_simulation: code to run the ARGoS physics-based simulations of the Kilobot robot.
- Kilobot_Codes: control code of the Kilobots (same code for simulated and real robots)
- MultiAgent_simulation: code of the DeMaMAS multi-agent simulations (it includes the simulator and configuration files).
- ODE_Analysis: python jupyter notebook to reproduce the stability and bifurcation analysis that we have done on the ODE model that describes the adaptation process.