This is a Chord architecture written in python3.7 using ZMQ library. The file defines a Node class, wich represent a node with an standard network interface. There is also a file, in where the request class, that wraps all zmq.socket.req of the code, is defined.
There is two forms in where you can use the code.
Wich one is using a docker image builded by the Dockerfile. You can make:
sudo docker run --name diaz_chord1 -it -P [NAME_IMAGE] --v
This will bind automatically your container to a disponible IP of the Docker host (because of -P option).
After that, you have a first node in the network. If you want to connect other node to the network, you have to run again the image and create a container. Like following:
sudo docker run --name diaz_chord2 -it -P [NAME_IMAGE] --addr_known [IP_FROM_diaz_chord1] --v
You can see the IP from diaz_chord1 using docker inspect diaz_chord1 command. This node is going to connect with the previous one. Now, you can scale the network easily.
In the other way, you have to run pip install zmq command or have the zmq library in your OS. Then you can execute:
python --v
Which has the same result as the first command that I expose using docker, only in a non-isolated context. Read about Docker, is a great technology ;)
There is three optional paramatters that you can use:
- --addr_id : This is the address of the node that identifies it in the hash space. If no address is set, this automatically set the local address asigned from the local network.
- --addr_known : This is an IP address that identifies reference a node in the network.If you wanna join new nodes to an existing network, you have to enter this value, otherwise your node never bee connected to the network.
- --v : This is the verbose option. You can see the activity of the node if you enter it.
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Docker: 18.09.7, build 2d0083d
- pyzmq: 16.0.3
And that's all. Any feedback will be appreciated.