An aplication that provides an API to ingest data on a on-demand basis.
The best way to run this project it's through Docker, in which you can set everything up using the docker-compose command bellow:
First of all you need to clone the project:
git clone
After that you need to configure a environment file called '.env' on the same directory where the 'docker-compose.yaml' is, which is the root of the project. the content on the '.env' file should looks like this:
After that you just need to run the docker compose to build everything.
docker compose up -d --build
This will deploy 4 microsservices:
- consumer: Receive a batch of line from a CSV with the follwoing column pattern. [region,origin_coord,destination_coord,datetime,datasource]
- data_pipeline_api: API for data ingestion, breaks the CSV in batches and send it to the rabbitmq broker.
- postgres: Store the data of the application.
- rabbitmq: Message broker to manage the throughput of data and allow multiple consumer to consume the data. This version has an interface to manage and see the behavior of the application.
Then you must access the local url to see the API interface.
The interface should looks like this:
To manually test it you can click on the endpoint, then on the "Try it out" button. After that um upload the '.csv' file and then click on "Execute". You can see how it should looks like bellow:
The CSV file should contain the following columns with this structure:
datasource: str
region: str
origin_coord: POINT (Lat, Lon)
destination_coord: POINT (Lat, Lon)
datetime: datetime
After you send the CSV file to the API you can watch the consume proccess through the rabbitmq interface in 'http://localhost:15672'. The login and password was define on the variables RABBITMQ_USER and RABBITMQ_PASS on the .env file. After the login you can see this interface:
To watch the insertions I usually use a tool called dbeaver, in which I can connect to the local database built by the docker compose. The image bellow shows the amount of data that I inserted on the database.
You can use the tool of your preference to see and execute SQL on the database.
All created queries are at ./src/sql
FROM trip_data
WHERE datasource = 'cheap_mobile';
WITH RegionCounts AS (
SELECT region, COUNT(*) AS region_count
FROM trip_data
GROUP BY region
ORDER BY region_count DESC
LatestDatasource AS (
SELECT t.region, t.datasource, t.datetime,
RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY t.region ORDER BY t.datetime DESC) AS rank
FROM trip_data t
INNER JOIN RegionCounts rc ON t.region = rc.region
SELECT region, datasource, datetime
FROM LatestDatasource
WHERE rank = 1;
Develop a way to obtain the weekly average number of trips for an area, defined by a bounding box (given by coordinates) or by a region.
I don't know how to do this one yet. Need to learn later.
And to test it I still need to configure the database to allow coordinates values or transforme the string value some how.
-- In construction
Obs: I should create a view with this group, but I don't have time to get the similarity betwen diferent origins and destinations
So I will create a view based on the similar day time
CREATE VIEW view_name AS
WHEN EXTRACT(HOUR FROM datetime) >= 5 AND EXTRACT(HOUR FROM datetime) < 12 THEN 'Morning'
WHEN EXTRACT(HOUR FROM datetime) >= 12 AND EXTRACT(HOUR FROM datetime) < 17 THEN 'Afternoon'
WHEN EXTRACT(HOUR FROM datetime) >= 17 AND EXTRACT(HOUR FROM datetime) < 21 THEN 'Evening'
ELSE 'Night'
END AS time_of_day
FROM your_table_name;
SELECT time_of_day, COUNT(*) AS count
FROM view_name
GROUP BY time_of_day
[x] - Create the API.
[X] - Create the Postgres Database.
[X] - Integrate the datasbase.
[X] - Create the datamodel and ORM.
[X] - Ingest the simplest data possible.
[X] - Convert the application to be scalable (Tested with just a million on the API)
[X] - Create the queries needed for the challenge
[ ] - Convert the database to optimize coordinate data
[ ] - Create some feature to manage the status of the injestion.
[ ] - Create a video to explain the code.
[X] - Update the last version of the file with all the steps needed to run the project.