This project template provides a solid foundation for building React applications using Vite as the development server and build tool, along with React and TypeScript. It offers a modern and efficient development setup to kickstart your React projects.
- Vite: Utilizes Vite's fast bundling and hot module replacement (HMR) capabilities for an optimized development experience. Vite Documentation
- React: Harnesses the power of React to build scalable and interactive user interfaces. React Documentation
- TypeScript: Enhances your development workflow with static typing and improved tooling for better code quality and maintainability. TypeScript Documentation
- Routing: Includes React Router for managing application routes and navigation. React Router Documentation
- State Management: Integrates MobX and MobX React Lite for state management in reactive components. MobX Documentation
- Form Handling: Employs Formik and Yup for easy and efficient form handling and validation. Formik Documentation | Yup Documentation
- Validation and Transformation: Utilizes class-validator and class-transformer for data validation and transformation using decorators. class-validator Documentation | class-transformer Documentation
- Styling: Offers styled-components and @emotion/styled for CSS-in-JS styling solutions. styled-components Documentation | @emotion/styled Documentation
- UI Components: Includes Material-UI (@mui/material and @mui/icons-material) for ready-to-use UI components following Material Design guidelines. Material-UI Documentation
- Notifications: Provides notistack for displaying notifications or snackbars in your React application. notistack Documentation
- Git Hooks: Uses Husky to enable Git hooks for automating tasks such as linting, testing, and formatting before committing or pushing changes. Husky Documentation
- API Mocking: Integrates Mirage JS to simulate server responses and create a client-side API for development and testing. Mirage JS Documentation
These dependencies are carefully selected to enhance your development experience, boost productivity, and facilitate the creation of robust and feature-rich React applications.
Feel free to explore the template, customize it to your needs, and leverage the included dependencies and features to kickstart your React projects with confidence.