by Gael Colas, Hubert Teo and Andrew Deng, graduate students from Stanford University.
This is our final project for the EE368: "Digital Image Processing" class at Stanford (2019).
Goal : Automatic generation of pencil color drawings from color photos.
To achieve this image translation task with build a pipeline. The pipeline is composed of 3 components: get a line sketch, get a colorization and blend/ apply the colors over the line sketch. To get more details about our 'photo2drawing' pipeline, please refer to our final report 'ee368_final-report' located at the root.
Folder 'saliency-mask': experiment on using saliency maps to select regions of interest.
Folder 'line-integral-convolution': Python code to compute Line Integral Convolution.
- line_integral_convolution.m: Matlab implementation of LIC
- Python/OpenCV/Scipy implementation of LIC which is much faster than Matlab
Folder 'baseline': gathers code for our 'baseline' pipeline.
- line sketch generation: Canny Edge Detector
- color generation: Clustering in the LAB-space
Folder 'segment': modification of our baseline to select colors based on Region Segmentation.
- line sketch generation: Canny Edge Detector
- color generation: mean colors of extracted regions (Region Segmentation)
Folder 'final-model': final 'photo2drawing' pipeline.
- line sketch generation: Line Integral COnvolution
- color generation: mean colors of extracted regions (Region Segmentation)
For these 3 pipelines, you can find the core code (.m files). We also provided interactive notebooks that shows intermediate outputs of the pipelines.
Folder 'images': gathers our different method's output result on our test set
- subfolder 'raw': our test set images (sample data)
- subfolder 'baseline': outputs of the 'baseline' pipeline.
- subfolder 'segment': outputs of the 'segment' pipeline.
- subfolder 'saliency-map': saliency map outputs on the test images.
- subfolder 'lic': line integral convolution on the test images.
- subfolder 'final-model': outputs of the 'final-model' pipeline.
- subfolder 'ps_<filter_name>': outputs of applying Adobe Photoshop filter <filter_name> on the test images. (To allow for quality comparison)
For an image imported in Matlab as an RGB image: 'im_rgb = im2double(imread('<im_path>'))'
For each of the 3 pipelines (see overhead description), you can run the pipeline on it in 2 different ways:
- apply pipeline with tuned hyperparameters Syntax: '<pipeline_name>_hp(im_rgb)'
- launch a GUI for real-time customization along predefined modification axes Syntax: 'gui_<pipeline_name>(im_path)'